What are the benefits of wheat bread?

What are the benefits of wheat bread?

At Greenuso we like to recommend healthy foods that provide the body with energy and keep us in good spirits at all times. That’s why on this occasion we want to tell you what the benefits of wheat bread are.

So, you will discover what exactly the nutritional value of wheat bread is and whether or not you should include it in your daily diet. What do you say, will you join us?

Nutritional value of wheat bread

Wheat bread is not very high in calories, storing approximately 260 kcal per 100 grams. Therefore, its bad reputation as a fattening aid is completely misleading, as it will depend on the amount consumed.

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In addition, its low fat content is only 3.24 grams in every 100 grams of bread. And, as if that wasn’t enough, it contains minerals such as potassium, phosphorus and sodium with 508 mg in every 100 grams of bread.

To provide energy to the body, wheat bread has 10.72 grams of protein per 100 grams of bread. It also incorporates carbohydrates, fibre and vitamins of the B and K groups.

What are the benefits of wheat bread?

Eating wheat bread regularly will offer great benefits to the body if you include it in your daily diet. This, thanks to its valuable nutritional contribution and other qualities that we will detail below:

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It provides a lot of energy

Scientific studies have shown that eating wheat bread helps the body to perform physical and neural activities effectively. It will even keep your energy up when doing any sporting activity

Highly nutritious cereal

Nutritionists recognise that wheat is a cereal with a high nutritional value based on protein, fibre, phytonutrients and potassium. Thanks to these properties it has become an indispensable food for the diet of children, young people and adults alike.

It contains many vitamins

As explained above, the high vitamin content of wheat bread is one of its main qualities. In a single slice you will be consuming vitamins B1, B2 and B6, iron, magnesium, potassium, folic acid, niacinine, phosphorus, selenium, iodine and zinc.

Due to their high vitamin and mineral content, wheat bread is healthier than wholemeal bread

Combats constipation

This bread can contain up to 3.5 grams of fibre in each slice. Because of its high fibre content, it will help you fight intestinal problems such as constipation and maintain good digestion.

It provides a feeling of satiety

Its consumption in adequate proportions is indicated for successful diets due to its quality of producing satiety easily. This will reduce the temptation to snack between meals by helping you to stick to your diet without breaking it.

Contains antioxidants

Including wheat bread in your daily diet will help prevent cellular ageing. This is because of the antioxidants it contains. In addition, antioxidants are also recommended to strengthen memory and the cardiovascular system.

It’s economical and varied

The best thing about this rich and nutritious food is that it is within everyone’s reach, becauseits price is not high. You can also find a variety of types of wheat bread to satisfy all tastes.

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Now that you know the benefits of wheat bread you must completely forget the myth that bread is fattening.

It is clear that all foods consumed in excess will have consequences. But by eating the right portions you will get excellent benefits from wheat bread – try it, you won’t regret it!

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