Sustainability in food What is it and how do you start?

sostenibilidad en la alimentacion

Did you know that implementing sustainability in food is essential for good health and well-being? Therefore, we must be aware of eating a varied and safe diet that provides the necessary nutrients for a healthy and active life. At Greenuso we are committed to sustainable transformation and the creation of models of healthy nutrition and systems. That is why today we will talk to you about sustainable food and give you some ideas for eating in a sustainable and ecological way.

What is sustainability in food?

This type of food is known as sustainable food. It is a way of eating healthily and at the same time promoting respect for the environment. It advocates reducing pollution, fighting climate change and the emission of greenhouse gases. It also calls for the strengthening of terrestrial and marine biodiversity and the protection of ecosystems.Sustainable food includes vegetables, legumes, seasonal fruits and the reduction of consumption of ultra-processed products.

Benefits of a sustainable diet

The diet of some people is often harmful, as it leads to some diseases such as obesity . These are linked to the consumption of animal products, refined cereals and sugars.Therefore, by eating sustainable and healthy food many risk factors in the development of disease and premature death could be avoided.In addition, a sustainable diet also has other advantages , such as

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  • Take action against climate change.
  • Protect the forests.
  • Improves health.
  • Contributes to food security.
  • It favours the survival of threatened species.
  • Preserves water resources.

Ideas for eating ecologically

If we want to achieve sustainable food, we must be committed to our environment. An excellent way of achieving this is to change our eating habits, that is, to make our consumption more sustainable:

1. Betting on local and seasonal products

Eat foods such as vegetables or fruit that are in season. If you buy seasonal food, you’re guaranteed to have fresh food with a high nutritional value.

alimentacion sostenible

In addition, its maturation process takes place naturally. This means that the suppliers keep the food in industrial cold stores until it is sold.If you buy local food you are contributing to the reduction of carbon emissions. These are derived from the transport that must be used to get the food to remote areas.

2. Eat more fruit and vegetables

Eat a balanced diet, how can you do it? This is possible by increasing the proportion of fruit, vegetables and legumes consumed and reducing foods of animal origin. This type of diet is much healthier for humans.

3. Don’t overeat food of animal origin

In recent years the world’s population has been consuming more and more of these products. It is therefore having negative consequences for the environment.If you moderate your meat consumption you will have a much healthier diet. Excessive consumption of food of animal origin brings with it risks of disease such as diabetes, cardiovascular problems and some types of cancer.

4. Choose the natural

Processed or pre-cooked products are not recommended for healthy eating. They are not fresh products and they do not respect the seasonality of the season, as they can be found at any time of the year. Moreover, they are more caloric and contain a higher proportion of sugars, fats and additives.

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5. Betting on sustainable consumption

Buy only what you really need. This way, you’ll be generating less waste and helping to prevent food waste. To achieve this, you can plan your weekly menus, freeze the food you are not going to eat, etc.

6. Choose bulk products

This is a good option when making purchases, as bulk products reduce the impact of the use of packaging. However, they have a shorter shelf life and must be stored properly.

7. Avoids food waste

Not wasting food would lead to efficient land use and better water management. This has a positive effect on the fight against climate change. To avoid food waste we recommend you:

  • Serve small portions on the plate so that food is not thrown away if there is a surplus.
  • Reuse leftover food and make new dishes.
  • Buy smartly, i.e. only what you will need and consume.
  • Keep the temperature indicated in the fridge to preserve the food well.
  • Convert food leftovers into compost.

8. Look at the ecological and sustainability labels

Check that the food is ecologically responsible and does not contain toxic elements such as pesticides or chemical fertilizers. Remember, these are very polluting for the environment.There are many labels that guarantee the sustainability of the product and that you can find on the label. Among the most popular are:

  • EU organic logo: Provides a visual identity on organic products marketed in all European Union countries.
  • Fairtrade: Certifies that the product is complying with fair trade criteria.
  • UTZ: Certifies the sustainable agriculture process and good practices.

If you put these habits into practice in your diet, you are opting for a sustainable and healthy diet, in addition to your contribution to the care of the planet. Are you up for this sustainable challenge?

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