How to save water in a restaurant

As is well known, natural resources are nowadays very precious, and water is one of the most valued. Water represents one of the indispensable services in a restaurant, both for cooking and for guaranteeing the cleanliness of the food and the physical space. As it is such an important and necessary resource, it is useful to know how to save water in a restaurant.
When talking about reducing consumption, several factors must be taken into account so that the restaurant’s operation is not affected. It is necessary to promote the good use of water without reducing the comfort of the clientele. Therefore, in the following post we will show you these key points so that savings can be effective.
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Why is it important to save water in a restaurant?
The use of water is indispensable in any restaurant or commercial establishment. It is necessary for cooking, washing utensils and dishes, cleaning floors and toilets and a host of other tasks. However, excessive water consumption in a restaurant represents a deterioration of the environment and excessive economic losses.

The high volume of costs for this service leads to cost-cutting measures. These measures must be aimed at re-educating all those involved in the operation of the restaurant. Therefore, a well-defined action plan has to be created to raise awareness among the owner, employees and customers.
In restaurants where energy-saving strategies have been implemented, there has been a noticeable improvement in the economy of the business. Also, a considerable saving of water, which translates into savings of energy and non-renewable resources. Hence, the importance of reducing water consumption in any commercial establishment.
10 ways to save water in a restaurant
Saving water in a restaurant will depend on several important factors. Primarily the plumbing conditions, the method of cleaning and other processes, and the products used must be evaluated.
It is therefore important to make an action plan aimed at improving each of these factors. It is necessary to be aware of the amount of water consumed in order to know the percentage that can be saved. The actions to be taken should comprehensively cover all the elements involved in the restaurant.
1. Conduct a consumption study
This is the first step to start saving water in a restaurant or commercial establishment. It is necessary to know clearly how much water is consumed daily, weekly and in total during the month.
The idea is to know how much is consumed in a month, and what are the main sources that promote it. By assessing the water consumption of the machines, the consumption of internal procedures, measures can be taken to reduce it.
2. Evaluate the sanitary facilities
The main cause of excessive water consumption in restaurants or commercial establishments is due to leaking taps or pipes. It is therefore necessary to carry out a thorough check of the condition of pipes and taps to avoid leaks.
Also, taps should be replaced by devices that regulate the water discharge. Basically these are ecological flushing products where 60% water savings can be achieved.
There are devices such as thermostatic taps, pedal taps, timer taps or motion detectors that considerably economise water use. Toilets can be replaced by double-button devices that allow controlled release.
In addition, there are water flow reducers that are attached to the pipes. This prevents the water consumption from exceeding 8 to 10 litres per minute.
3. Re-evaluate cleaning procedures with water-saving products
When starting to save water, it is important to be aware of the procedures involved in the maintenance of the restaurant. As is well known, cleaning and maintenance operations are the most water-consuming. It is therefore necessary to initiate the following actions:
- Use cleaning machines: Instead of cleaning by hand, it is better to use cleaning machines. These can considerably reduce the use of water in cleaning work. Among the most commonly used are scrubbing machines, hoovers, polishers, sweepers, brushes, professional scrubbing buckets, among others.
- Selecting energy-efficient machines: It is important to select water-efficient cleaning machines. In this way there will be favourable results in the work and a responsible use of water.
- Evaluate the composition of chemical products: Cleaning also requires the use of chemical products for the process to be efficient. It is recommended to use detergents that do not produce excess foam and are appropriate to the needs of the establishment. It is important to use the quantities established by the manufacturers and to use products that are not corrosive and harmful to the environment.
4. Establish water-saving measures in the kitchen
The kitchen is the most important part of any restaurant and must therefore remain tidy. That is why it is necessary to take measures in food preparation and maintenance of the facilities

Among the measures that can be set we can mention:
- Avoid defrosting food under water, so that the use of water is not indiscriminate.
- Wash food and cooking utensils using the water load.
- Incorporate technologies to reduce water flow for efficient water use. Dishwashers can also be installed with cisterns that reduce water consumption by 50%.
- Remove food leftovers from dishes, pots and pans before washing them in the dishwasher. This way no more water is wasted in this procedure.
- Avoid disposing of waste down the sink drain, as this is a bad habit and encourages indiscriminate water disposal.
5.- Incorporates a water treatment system
Offering diners treated tap water significantly reduces the cost of buying bottled water. Although this practice was considered wrong, because tap water can have unpleasant tastes, with this system it is being implemented again. In addition, it reduces the environmental footprint of the establishment by avoiding bottling, transport and withdrawals.
Nowadays, many restaurants with excellent reputations have chosen to offer fresh, natural water for free.
6. Educate staff and customers
Restaurant workers are a key element for the success of water saving measures. That is why it is necessary to train staff to raise awareness of the importance of saving water. It is also necessary to provide them with the necessary knowledge to carry out tasks and tasks in a sustainable and highly efficient way.

Talks and briefings on the correct use of chemicals and machinery can be organised. Also, during the operation of the premises, they should be attentive to the correct closing of taps.
After the staff knows how to carry out their work without excessive waste of water, it is necessary to establish rules for the customers. This is precisely because the place where they tend to waste the most water is in the restaurant’s toilets. There, informative signs can be installed promoting the correct use of the toilet or turning off the tap when washing hands.
7. Recycle grey water
Grey water is the water that comes from washing fruit and vegetables, from toilets, electrical appliances, and sinks. This water is filtered and disinfected and can be perfectly reused in the cleaning of the premises. This procedure can save up to 45% of your establishment’s drinking water.
8. Regularly check your cleaning machines
It is necessary to carry out continuous maintenance on these machines to prevent them from malfunctioning. The water lines of these machines should be checked to ensure that water usage remains efficient.
9. Design fun informational posters
Adopting cost-saving measures in a restaurant is a process of adaptability for both employees and customers. However, one way to change people’s awareness is by using fun information material.
They can be placed on the premises of the establishment and in this way motivate and inform both employees and customers. Employees and customers are the best allies when it comes to saving water in your restaurant.
10. Consider new measures over time
In these times of technological advances and where there is greater ecological and sustainable awareness , there is a continuous evolution of technology. More and more companies are opting for equipment with greater efficiency in saving non-renewable resources such as water.
Even if your restaurant has already implemented technological measures and awareness of water saving, it is important to always innovate. Modern establishments are here to stay, and fortunately water savings are becoming increasingly possible.
Saving water in restaurants is very beneficial, because water is an essential element in our life and planet. As is well known, it is a limited resource and therefore its costs are high. In addition, people tend to waste water without taking into account the amount they are using, so every minute counts.
By establishing these cost-saving measures, you will save money on water bills. You will be further increasing your profit margin and helping the planet, directly influencing the reduction of climate change.