What can you do with leftover roast meat?

If your get-together with friends and family is over and you’ve realised that there are a few pieces left on the grill that no one wants anymore. You’re probably wondering what to do with the leftover roast meat.

Don’t worry, fortunately at Greenus today we’ll show you some alternatives to make the most of them. Take note of these 15 ideas for reusing leftover beef steaks. Go for it!

What you can do with leftover roast beef. 15 creative recipes

Eating roast beef is synonymous with sharing with loved ones. And what not everyone knows is that the leftovers give us the opportunity to make other preparations full of flavour.

que hacer restos-carne-asada

That’s why, we bring you some recipes that you can make to enjoy in the days after:

1. Roast beef stew with onions and pumpkin

This preparation yields 6 servings, and can be served with slices of bread for an afternoon of tapas. A great example of how to use up leftover roast meat.


  • 120g of potatoes.
  • 220g of roast beef cut into cubes.
  • 1 cup water.
  • 2 tbsp soybean oil.
  • 350g diced pumpkin.
  • 80g onion.
  • 250ml vegetable stock.
  • 1 tsp salt.
  • 1 tsp pepper.
  • 250g noodles (any kind)


  1. Place the diced onion in a pot with the soybean oil.
  2. Then, season and cook for 3 minutes over medium heat.
  3. Add the diced meat and cook for about 7 minutes.
  4. Stir in the water, vegetables and stock.
  5. Add salt, pepper and cover.
  6. After 15 minutes, add the noodles.
  7. Cover and wait 8 minutes, until the noodles are cooked.
  8. Serve piping hot in a large bowl.

2. Summer polenta

Delicious grilled pork, with polenta and garlic sauce, decorated with red and green leaves

Corn flour offers us versatile alternatives. Try this preparation and enjoy the flavour of this American cereal.


  • 150g cooked peas.
  • 250g cornflour.
  • 250 ml water.
  • 1 cup vegetable stock.
  • 400 ml milk.
  • 150g with leftovers from the roast.
  • 250g tomato puree.
  • 100g cream cheese.


  1. Add the milk and water in a medium saucepan and cook until it boils.
  2. Now add the cornflour little by little while stirring the mixture to avoid lumps.
  3. Place the oil in a frying pan over medium heat.
  4. When it is very hot, cook the roast beef, tomato puree and peas for 5 minutes.
  5. Finally, add this preparation to the cornflour and continue stirring until the dough begins to pull away from the sides of the pan.
  6. Grease a medium bowl and pour the preparation. Wait 10 more minutes.
  7. Finally, serve on a platter and enjoy this succulent polenta.

3. Beef fillet and vegetable stir-fry

One of the easiest ways to use veal steaks is to sauté them with vegetables. This is because the flavour of the veal is enhanced by the juices from the preparation.


  • 200g mushrooms cut into julienne strips.
  • 120g cabbage cut into julienne strips.
  • 80g red pepper cut into julienne strips.
  • 250g bean sprouts
  • 10 grams of sliced garlic
  • 50g onion cut into julienne strips.
  • 80g chopped spring onion.
  • 300g of roast cut into cubes
  • 60g large grated carrot.
  • 2 tbsp olive oil.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.


  1. Heat a large frying pan over medium heat with the olive oil.
  2. Sauté the vegetables for about 7 minutes.
  3. Now add the mushrooms and continue sautéing for 5 minutes more, until they are cooked but crispy.
  4. Add the roast and continue sautéing.
  5. Finally add the salt and pepper, making sure that the juices are mixed in.
  6. Serve on a large platter and serve with bread.

4. Western roast veal sorrentinos

Another recipe for snacking, one of our favourite family activities. Serves 10 people.


  • 250g flour.
  • 50g of peppers cut into julienne strips.
  • 100g chopped onions.
  • 250ml water.
  • 2 tsp salt.
  • 300g tomato.
  • 400g roast veal (if it keeps the fat even better).
  • 10g sliced garlic.
  • 50g wild parsley.
  • Salt, pepper and oregano to taste.


  1. Finely slice the roast. Then mix them with the onion and salt in a bowl. Set aside for 1 hour.
  2. Then, in another bowl place the flour, salt and hot water. Mix a little with a spoon.
  3. When the mixture has cooled a little, knead it until it does not stick to your fingers.
  4. With the help of a rolling pin, roll out the dough until it is 2 mm thick.
  5. Then use a sorrentino mould and cut circles out of the dough (approximately 60).
  6. For the sauce, place the meat in a medium saucepan with the remaining vegetables. Cook over low heat for about 15 minutes and leave to rest.
  7. Finally, fill the sorrentinos with the stew from the roast, placing each lid and sticking it with your fingers.
  8. Preheat the oven to 180°.
  9. Flour a large baking tray and place in the oven for 25 minutes.
  10. Let it rest for 10 minutes and enjoy your sorrentinos.

5. New age barbecue croquettes

The croquettes are characterised by their soft texture on the palate, and when you add the roast (including the sauce), you get a flavour bomb.

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  • 2 tsp oregano.
  • 250g cream cheese.
  • 3 large eggs (approximately 120g).
  • 2 tsp salt.
  • 1 tsp pepper.
  • 140g roast beef.
  • 100g Parmesan cheese.
  • 300g breadcrumbs.
  • 40g chopped onion.
  • 300ml soybean oil.


  1. Place the meat in a food processor and add the cream cheese.
  2. Then mix with the Parmesan cheese and seasonings.
  3. In a medium frying pan, sauté the onion and then add it to the mixture.
  4. Shape the croquettes with your hands (about 15 should come out).
  5. Heat a large frying pan with the soybean oil.
  6. Mix the breadcrumbs with the egg until you get a thick paste. Then dip the croquettes a couple of times.
  7. Finally, fry each croquette for 3 minutes, rotating their position so that they are cooked through.

6. Roast veal empanadas

With this recipe you will be the sensation of the little ones at recess time. Makes 10 people.


  • 300ml vegetable stock.
  • 60g red pepper.
  • 60g green pepper.
  • 200g onions.
  • 200g of potatoes.
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 300g of meat from the roast.
  • 2 tbsp oregano.
  • 3 tbsp soybean oil.
  • 200g flour
  • 150ml lukewarm water.


  1. Cut the onions and peppers into small cubes.
  2. In a hot frying pan add the oil and sauté the above until crystalline.
  3. Cut the meat into very small pieces.
  4. Then add the vegetables to the meat, season to taste and add the vegetable stock.
  5. Cook over medium-low heat for about 1 hour, until the stock is reduced by 1/3.
  6. Finally, cut the potatoes into small cubes, add them and cook for 15 minutes more.
  7. Reserve the stuffing off the heat until it has rested.
  8. Mix the flour with the warm water in a medium bowl. Add a pinch of salt.
  9. Knead with your hands until the dough pulls away from the sides of the bowl.
  10. Heat a large frying pan with the remaining oil.
  11. Finally, fill and fry the empanadas over medium heat for about 5 minutes each.

7. Special vinaigrette with yesterday’s roast


This preparation will allow you to use the roast for many more days with a great taste. This is because vinegar has special properties to prevent food spoilage.


  • 50g curly parsley
  • 35g chopped garlic
  • 30ml vinegar
  • 200g roast beef.
  • Salt, pepper and oregano to taste.


  1. Cut the roast beef into small pieces.
  2. Remove the fat and season with the salt, oregano and pepper.
  3. Reserve in a large glass bowl.
  4. Finally add the vinegar and mix.
  5. Let stand in the refrigerator for 24 hours and it will be ready for consumption.

8. Roast beef, rice and vegetable crown

A nice meal to get out of the routine. Makes 8 servings.


  • 30g carrots.
  • 350g rice.
  • 200g roast beef.
  • 150g mushrooms.
  • 50g red pepper.
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 3 tbsp soy sauce
  • 150ml white wine
  • 2 tbsp cream cheese
  • 600 ml vegetable stock.


  1. Place the oil in a large frying pan over medium heat.
  2. Now brown the mushrooms a little with the meat cut in strips.
  3. Then add the julienned vegetables with the soy sauce and the wine.
  4. Cook for 5 minutes and gradually stir in the cream cheese.
  5. Meanwhile, in a large pot, sauté the rice with the oil. When it crystallises, add the vegetable stock and white wine.
  6. Cook over medium heat until the liquid dries.
  7. Now, spread a stick of butter on the surface of a medium-sized baking pan and pour in the cooked rice.
  8. When it has cooled a little, turn it out onto a platter.
  9. Finally, when the vegetables have little liquid, remove them from the heat and arrange them on top of the rice in a wreath shape.

9. Caribbean barbecue pizza

Now, if you want to get out of the routine with a youthful dish, pizza is your option. This preparation serves 12 people.


  • 200ml water.
  • 350g of leftover roast.
  • 250g flour
  • 2 tbsp soybean oil.
  • 200g mozzarella cheese.
  • 2 tsp salt.
  • 300g tomato paste.
  • 200ml vegetable stock.


  1. Cut the roast into small pieces.
  2. Bring the water and vegetable stock to a boil in a large pot.
  3. When it is boiling, add the roast and the tomato paste. Cook until a thick sauce is formed.
  4. In a large bowl, place the flour, salt and oil and knead until it forms a compact ball.
  5. Let the dough rest for 30 minutes.
  6. Then roll out the dough with a rolling pin and place it on a large baking tray.
  7. Preheat the oven to 180°.
  8. Bake the dough for about 10 minutes (pre-cooking).
  9. Remove from the oven and place the sauce and cheese on top.
  10. Place back in the oven for an additional 25 minutes.
  11. Remove from the oven and enjoy this pizza while it is still hot.

10. Crispy brunch roast potatoes

This recipe can be used as a main dish because of its diversity of ingredients. Serves 8 people.


  • 300g potatoes.
  • 80g previously roasted pepper.
  • 250g roast beef.
  • 60g spring onion.
  • 1 tsp garlic.
  • 60g onion.
  • 2 tablespoons of oil.


  1. Cut the potatoes into medium size squares.
  2. Now add water in a medium saucepan and cook the potatoes for 25 minutes.
  3. Remove from the heat and drain the potatoes.
  4. Next, fry them in a large frying pan with the oil. Avoid over browning by rotating the potatoes frequently.
  5. Add the remaining chopped ingredients with the roast.
  6. Keep stirring, add the pepper and salt.
  7. You will see how everything will compact in the style of an omelette. This is due to the binding effect of the starch.
  8. Finally serve hot, straight from the pan.

11. Homemade bread stuffed with leftovers


We all love tapas. Well, here’s a different, delicious and very easy to make variation.

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  • 1 tbsp salt.
  • 200g mozzarella cheese.
  • 1 kg flour
  • 50g yeast.
  • 100g of roast.
  • 1 tbsp soybean oil.
  • 25g oregano.
  • 1 tbsp sugar.
  • 1 tsp pepper.
  • 150ml warm water.
  • 60g egg.
  • 40g butter.


  1. Preheat the oven to 180°.
  2. Start by placing the flour in a bowl with the yeast.
  3. Add the salt, oil and seasoning (oregano and pepper).
  4. Then add the warm water, and mix until you have a uniform dough.
  5. Set aside in a medium bowl for 30 minutes.
  6. Roll the dough into balls of 20g each.
  7. Using a rolling pin, roll out each dough and place a small portion of filling on top.
  8. Roll the dough into small balls again, place on a large floured baking tray and leave to rest for a further 35 minutes.
  9. Then place the tray in the oven and bake for 35 minutes.
  10. Mix the egg with the remaining seasoning.
  11. Remove the tray from the oven and brush the surface of the breads with the mixture.
  12. Return to the oven and bake for a further 5 minutes.
  13. Remove the baking tray from the oven and leave to cool for 30 minutes.
  14. Now, enjoy these breads full of flavour.

12. Quick roast pie

You’ll be able to whip up this flavour-packed pie in just a few minutes. Makes enough for 8 people.


  • 80g onions
  • 50g peppers.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.
  • 50g carrots.
  • 300g of meat from the roast.
  • 300g Burgos cheese.
  • 2 large pie crust lids


  1. First cut the roast into small pieces.
  2. Next, finely chop the vegetables and cheese.
  3. Mix all the ingredients together and season to taste.
  4. Place the dough in a pie dish. Fill with the ingredients and close with the remaining lid.
  5. In an oven with a temperature of 180°, place the pan and bake for 35 minutes.
  6. Remove from the oven and let stand for 30 minutes.

13. Cannelloni stuffed with veal stew

Cannelloni are typical grandmother’s recipes that are still valid today. Enjoy this variation and make the most of the leftover roast.


  • 120g egg.
  • 700g flour.
  • 400ml milk.
  • 300g roast.
  • 80g Parmesan cheese.
  • 100g onion.
  • 75g red pepper.
  • 250g ricotta.
  • 15g garlic.
  • Salt, oregano and pepper to taste.
  • 200g tomato paste.


  1. First add the flour, eggs and milk.
  2. Then mix everything together with the help of a whisk.
  3. In a small frying pan prepare the bases for the cannelloni.
  4. Now prepare the filling. Cut the onion, pepper and garlic into small squares.
  5. In a small saucepan, cook with the ricotta for about 15 minutes.
  6. Assemble the cannelloni by adding the filling.
  7. Arrange the cannelloni on a large platter and top with the tomato paste and Parmesan cheese.
  8. In a preheated oven at 180°, place the tray and bake for 45 minutes.
  9. Remove from the oven and enjoy these cannelloni as hot as possible.

14. Braised roast beef salad

Ideal on a summer evening, to enjoy intense flavours and colours. Serves 6 people.


  • 60g egg.
  • 35g beetroot.
  • 150g rice.
  • 50g potato.
  • 200g of roast.
  • 35g carrot.
  • 60g cooked peas.
  • 35g fresh parsley.
  • 2 tsp salt.
  • 2 tbsp soybean oil.
  • 2 tbsp soy sauce.
  • Pepper to taste.


  1. First cut the roast beef into cubes.
  2. Then, fillet the carrot, potato and beetroot.
  3. Cook in a medium saucepan over medium heat along with the peas for 25 minutes. Let stand.
  4. Cook the eggs.
  5. Now, mix everything together and add the salt, parsley, soy sauce, oil and pepper.
  6. Set aside in the refrigerator in a large bowl for 2 hours.
  7. Serve cold and enjoy this fresh salad.

15. Meat stuffed sunset bombs

Finally we bring you this preparation for young and old. The bombs are characterised by their spongy texture and with this filling you will enjoy a pleasant contrast on your palate.


  • 200g wholemeal flour.
  • 450g flour.
  • 300g roast.
  • 60g finely chopped onion.
  • 40g sweet peppers cut into julienne strips.
  • 60ml olive oil
  • 35g finely chopped carrot.
  • 200ml vegetable stock
  • 80ml soybean oil.
  • 16g yeast.
  • 1 pinch of pepper.
  • 1 tbsp salt.
  • 200ml lukewarm water.
  • 2 tbsp soy sauce.
  • 2 tbsp oregano.


  1. In a large bowl add the flours, yeast, oils, pepper, oregano and salt.
  2. Mix gently, cover the surface with a cloth and let it rest for 30 minutes.
  3. Now, you should knead with your fingers patiently. You can dust the surface of the work surface, taking care not to add too much flour.
  4. Again, set the dough aside for another half hour to complete the rising of the dough.
  5. Heat the oven to 180°.
  6. Cut 30g portions and roll each portion into balls (approximately 60 balls).
  7. Grease a large baking tray and place on the surface. Drizzle a little oil on top.
  8. Bake for 35 minutes.
  9. Remove from the oven and leave to stand for 15 minutes.
  10. For the filling, place the onion in a saucepan and sauté for 5 minutes over low heat.
  11. Then add the carrot and peppers and sauté for a further 5 minutes.
  12. Add the roast strips and stir constantly for another 10 minutes.
  13. Pour in the vegetable stock and cook until the sauce is thick and compact.
  14. Fill the buns with this mixture and serve in a large serving dish.
  15. This preparation is ideal for family picnic evenings.

Making the most of leftover roast meat with surprise bags? This delivery platform will help you!

Finally, we would like to recommend a delivery service specially designed for these occasions. Too Good To Go has a creative concept with the vision of making commercial use of leftover food. All you have to do is install their mobile app in your catering business to offer these leftover barbecue leftovers.

The software will indicate to nearby customers that you have a “surprise bag” available at charity prices. And subsequently, you will be contacted by many users eager to take advantage of the offer and reduce waste.

This type of initiative is oriented towards caring for the environment, and has an increasing number of enthusiastic members. It is therefore an alternative to consider, especially if you want to join the ecofriendly movement.

So much for our article on what to do with leftover roast meat. Keep in mind that by using leftover food you save money, enjoy new flavours and contribute to the care of the planet. And remember to sign up to our newsletter for more recycling and eco-friendly packaging news – we look forward to hearing from you!

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