The ten commandments of the environment: get rid of your footprint

Decálogo del medio ambiente: Que desaparezca tu huella

What is the purpose of a Decalogue of the Environment?

When we talk about caring for the planet, we cannot place limits on ourselves, but must take measures to improve the current situation.

The current state of pollution seems to be at a point where we will not come back, but in reality this is not the case, we can still take measures that will lead us to a better reality.

But it is not enough to change, we must also be the engine of change.

That is why in this article you will find the environmental transfer you can request for yourself as an adult, as well as a decalogue for children.

When children grow up with the vision to have a healthy relationship with their environment, we still have more hope to achieve the desired improvement.

Decalogue of the environment for adults

Decálogo del medio ambiente para personas adultas

As we have told you, we want you to have a balanced relationship with the environment and we are sure that by applying these small actions, the road will be easy and fast.

Reuse, reduction and recycling

The first action concerns a comprehensive behaviour: applying the rule of the three R’s in your life.

The first is reuse. Find out what you can do to reuse the products once they get the primary use for which they are intended.

When we buy a bottle of tomato sauce, we can use the bottle again after finishing the contents to contain some other food. It can be a homemade sauce or whatever you like.

Reduction is the second part of our first rule of environmental decalogue. In order to comply with this rule, you must review your consumption habits and find out where you can reduce the amount of disposable waste.

Let’s look at an example to help you understand better.

If you are a person who likes to exercise and prefers water in the supermarket, rather than buying small packs, buy the packs with a larger capacity and refill reusable bottles.

This way you don’t throw away 12 bottles of water, but only two and if you want to reuse it, it’s much better.

The final step is recycling, one of the most important of all our environmental calories

For example, that old cowboy who doesn’t fit anymore can become a good shopping bag. This reduces waste and avoids the use of raw materials in the production of a commercially reusable bag.

Waste comes and goes with you

We all love the paradisiacal and beautiful landscapes of untouched nature.

A well-maintained field, a beach with crystal clear water and white sand, a flowing and clean river, all these scenarios can be disturbed when man appears.

So, if you’re going to have a good time in contact with nature and take some snacks, juices, food, among other things, make sure you take all the waste with you.

Of course you have to throw every piece of waste into the right container to close the full circle and make sure that only the footprints of your steps remain on the sand.

What to do if there are no identified containers?

We continue with the Decalogue to take care of the environment and now we are dealing with a problem that occurs very often, especially when we go on holiday to remote places or natural environments.

Imagine for a moment that you are on your dream beach and you want to dispose of the waste in the right way, but there is a small problem: there are no identified containers or there is only one container for all types of waste.

The recommendation is to take some of the bags you brought with you, identify them and classify the waste according to the type of content.

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After sorting the waste, take it with you and throw it in the first identified container you find.

Responsible consumption

Responsible consumption is also part of the Decalogue of the environment.

Knowing where the products we consume come from, how the raw material for their production was obtained, what the impact of the production process is, among other data, is important to measure the impact of your consumption.

It is often said as a marketing strategy that a product is ecological and in reality it is not

Sustainable tourism

Sustainable tourism allows us to enjoy the most beautiful places of natural life with the certainty that before, during and after our stay the site will be preserved as you found it.

For example, in the case of sustainable tourism, it is preferable to travel by bicycle or on foot, avoiding pollution by fossil fuels in order to reach protected places.

Natural resources are our most precious asset

In Africa, one drop of water can mean the difference between life and death.

It is customary that when we have permanent access to natural resources, we do not understand their value and underestimate their importance.

The conscious use of natural resources, such as water, enables us to meet our needs and give others the opportunity to meet theirs.

Prefer public transport

In your daily life there are things you can do without starting your car

Buying bread or food in the corner shop, taking the children to the park, taking a ride with friends, can be done without using the car.

If the distances are long, you can use public transport.

Don’t think about the loss of comfort, think about the fuel you don’t use anymore, the gases your car doesn’t emit while driving and the money you save by refuelling your car

Turn off that lamp!

Electricity is another resource which, if we have it, we don’t realize how important it is to our lives.

Obtaining energy, even if this is done in a sustainable way, requires the use of raw materials extracted from the environment.

The best behaviour we can have, to contribute to our decalogue for the environment, is to use electrical energy responsibly.

Another action you can take is to install low-consumption lamps, such as LED lamps, products that will illuminate your rooms with optimised consumption.

Sustainable fashion

Many of the clothes we use are made of textile materials, including plastic, in larger or smaller quantities.

Identify shops and clothing brands that respond to the reasons for sustainable fashion and avoid the use of polluting materials for lack of knowledge.

We assure you that you will continue to dress well and that your footprint will be kept to a minimum.

Say goodbye to the plastic bags

Don’t forget that the entire European Union is developing the necessary legal framework to minimise the use of plastic bags, one of the most polluting products in the world.

Therefore, the Environmental Decalogue cannot be complete without this recommendation.

Take your reusable bags with you every time you go shopping for a product. This way, you will not use the plastic bags that are often given to us.

If the use of the plastic bag is unavoidable, make sure you use it several times, so that the consumption of these products decreases in people’s daily practice.

Ten commandments of the environment especially for children

Decálogo del medio ambiente especial para niños

At the beginning of the article we argued that it is necessary to develop the necessary levels of awareness among the children of the house, so that the future is hopeful.

Here are 10 easy ways to involve your children in caring for the environment.

Learn the importance of water

If your child washes his hands, brushes his teeth, bathes, or engages in any activity that uses water, teach him the importance of this vital fluid for our lives.

It is important that you open and close the water tap, using only the water you actually need for cleaning.

Explain to him where the water comes from and what process has to be followed to get water into his bath.

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When you go out, turn off the light

At our young age we pass by and jump around every corner of the house. We don’t stay in one room for long.

Teach your child to turn the lights on and off in the rooms. As long as you need the artificial light to turn it on, you keep it off.

It is important to use natural light, open windows and avoid the use of electricity when not needed.

Your waste: your responsibility

An afternoon walk in the park can be a good time to learn the Decalogue for the environment.

If your child is enjoying his or her favourite treat or the ice cream he or she loves so much, don’t let him or her throw the dustbin on the ground.

His or her rubbish is his or her responsibility. Therefore, let him or her put it in one of his or her pockets and throw it away if he or she finds a can for the kind of rubbish he or she has in his or her hand.

If you don’t get one, you throw it away at home. That way, when he grows up and becomes a responsible adult, he will be aware that he doesn’t throw away the garbage where he likes it the most, but where he is going.

Recycling as a game

Recycling is a process that can be very tedious, but if we learn it from an early age it is a behavior that is part of our behavior and will be natural.

Make it a game of sorting the waste and throwing it in the right containers.

It is also important that you know the reason for the existence of a boat for each type of waste, so that you understand why you have to follow that rule.

Don’t forget to recycle paper

You don’t have to use new paper to paint, cut, draw or practice how to make origami.

So, create a space at home to recycle the paper. So your little ones know that if they want to be Picasso or a master of paper modelling, they can go to that space and grab a piece of paper to let their imagination run wild.

It is important that they understand which paper can be used and which cannot, otherwise you get an important document folded like a faucet.

Not everything you ask should be

Toys, colours, books and other aids for children are not unlimited.

You should use each product when needed. If you don’t need it or don’t want it anymore, give it to another child.

Most toys are made of plastic and many of them can get a second use after your child doesn’t want to use them anymore

The plants are still alive

How many times have we seen a child in the park tearing out of a bush?

At that age, we may not understand that plant life also exists and must be respected.

Tearing out leaves, trampling or breaking them is not acceptable behaviour.

In addition, it is essential that they know the importance of plants for life and the role they play in our breathing.

Pets need us

Many parents give their small animals as pets. Dogs, cats and fish are among the most common, but you know the list is endless.

All these animals depend on our care and are part of life on our planet.

Teach them to take care of them, respect them and give them space, as living beings they will have their own way of interacting with the environment and this should also be respected.

This care must be under your supervision at all times, remember that he is a child and that his maturity – believe it or not – is not fully developed.

Outside the house everything belongs to everyone

It is important that the Decalogue of the environment makes children aware that they are part of an environment, that they are not alone in the world and that everything revolves around them.

So, in the park, the beach, the river or any other space, you have to understand that everything there is for the enjoyment of all people.

That is why you have to take care of them and make sure that you do not break or damage them.

Although this rule has a wider spectrum outdoors, it also applies to household items.

Respect for people

When we talk about the Decalogue of the environment, we usually think of plants, water masses, fauna and flora.

However, it is also important to respect people in order to avoid creating an unpleasant environment for people.

We are all important and we all have something to contribute. Teach us to respect people’s individuality, the qualities that characterize us.

In this way your child will be a pleasant person, who does not want to hurt anyone and respects his or her environment.

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