How to become a supportive restaurant

trabajadores restaurantes solidarios

In case you didn’t know, conducted a survey dedicated to socially committed hospitality. It found that 45% of people choose to eat at restaurants that are socially committed to a cause.

These figures confirm that many diners value actions dedicated to contributing to social welfare by the restaurant sector.

Fortunately, through this post we will explain how you can turn your business into a supportive restaurant. Come on, join us until the end!

Solidarity restaurant: What is the goal?

The aim is to establish a solidarity policy to humanise the image of the restaurant. In this way, it would demonstrate that the restaurant can sell tasty dishes to diners, while leaving a positive mark on society.

restaurante solidario

Nowadays, more and more hospitality businesses are deciding to join these corporate social responsibility activities. Of course, these actions must be carried out with real will and not just to score points for the brand’s image.

Top 10: Ideas for becoming a supportive restaurant

From Greenuso we are happy to know that you want to join the gastronomy of solidarity. For this reason, we are going to propose you 10 ideas that can help you with this goal. Let’s see!

1. Go for solidarity events, menus or promotions

You can organise events, menus or special promotions and donate part of the profits to a humanitarian cause. Not only will you be doing your bit, but you will also encourage customers to follow in your footsteps.

2. Donate a percentage of tips or commissions

Meet with all restaurant staff to propose an agreement to donate a percentage of monthly/annual tips or commissions. This money can go to a neighbourhood social centre, for example.

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3. Collect leftover food

Another way to contribute to a good cause is to collect leftover food that has been left in good condition and take it to social picnic areas on a regular basis. We are talking about a solidarity action that many Spanish restaurants already carry out.

4. It offers job opportunities to disabled people

Fighting for the integration of all people will be a social cause that will generate a wave of positive comments towards your hotel. You can do this by offering job opportunities to people with disabilities

5. Make your restaurant spaces available

You can also offer the spaces of your restaurant for the community to hold culinary workshops, meetings of environmental groups; etc. Even take the opportunity to talk about the menu you have available.

6. Support small producers

Support small producers by buying organic fruit and vegetables. This is a noble action that will allow you to offer healthier dishes, while contributing to the local economy.

7. Introducing a fuel-efficient system

When we talk about an energy-efficient system in your restaurant, we mean reducing electricity, gas and water consumption. And equally, you can invest in eco-friendly catering equipment.

8. Reduce, recycle and reuse

We refer to a point closely linked to the previous one. So, dare to impose an environmentally friendly policy where waste reduction and reuse of biodegradable products are implemented.

9. Promote social awareness on social media

Use your business’s social networks to make regular posts aimed at promoting social awareness among your followers. It’s definitely a modern way of telling the public that you are a socially responsible restaurant.

10. Join a supportive company

Joining social initiatives such as AcciĆ³n Contra el hambre-Restaurantes Solidarios, is another good idea that you can’t ignore. For example, this campaign works year after year to reduce malnutrition in Spain.

Restaurants against hunger 2020: Solidarity campaign against malnutrition in Spain

The gastronomic sector has joined a solidarity cause that works hard to end malnutrition in Spain. This is how they decided to set up a social campaign entitled “Restaurants against hunger”.

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We talked about a social responsibility campaign that emerged as an initiative of the NGO AcciĆ³n contra el hambre. Obviously, in social contribution with La ConfederaciĆ³n Empresarial de HostelerĆ­a de EspaƱa.

restaurante solidario

Today, this programme of AcciĆ³n contra el Hambre and HostelerĆ­a de EspaƱa is in its eleventh edition. Since its inception, more than 9,000 restaurants have participated, raising around 1,448,200 euros.

All the money has been invested mainly to fight against child malnutrition. However, in this 2020 there is a slight change, because the proceeds will go to the Spanish families most affected by Covid-19.

How is the money raised?

As previously explained, the mission of this solidarity gastronomy is to raise funds to help those Spanish households who lost their jobs because of the current pandemic. This would provide them with a more dignified and healthy lifestyle.

On the other hand, the way in which money is raised through this campaign is simple:

restaurante solidario como hacerlo
  • The restaurants involved in this solidarity action present their diners with a solidarity dish or menu.
  • For each solidarity dish sold, the restaurant donates between 0.50 and 2 euros to Action Against Hunger.

It is certainly a simple but very appropriate method in this time of pandemic, when so many people need a helping hand.

I want to contribute to this cause too: how do I do it?

People who want to do their bit for this social cause can do so through the “Fuera de Carta” action. It is specially designed for those users who cannot go directly to a restaurant and order the solidarity dish.

Those who wish to collaborate, just log on to the official website of “Restaurants Against Hunger” to make their donation

  • Donating 10 euros represents a day’s food for a whole family.
  • Donating 5 euros represents a day’s meal for half a family.
  • Donating 2 euros represents an extra breakfast and an extra meal for one person for one day.

It is important to note that you can also make another donation of any amount. Especially since all donations count.

How can I find a local Restaurant Against Hunger?

It’s easy!

All you have to do is go to the official website of Restaurants Against Hunger. From their platform, you will be able to find a list of catering businesses that are closest to where you live.

As if that wasn’t enough, the solidarity restaurant search engine will allow you to search according to:

  • Search by location.
  • Search by type of cuisine.
  • Search by restaurant name; etc.

I want to add my restaurant to this cause, can I still?

Yes! Although the 2020 campaign is already underway, it is still possible for more restaurants to join. So you can add your venue to this social programme right now and turn it into a good restaurant.

Join this social initiative and turn your business into a solidarity restaurant!

What do you say, do you dare?

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