Guide on ecological packaging for businesses take away

GuĆ­a sobre packaging ecolĆ³gico para negocios take away

If your gastronomic business wants to change its disposable packaging for ecological packaging, you must know the advantages of moving in that direction.Every day, more and more companies are adding to serve their food in ecological packaging. A more evident trend in businesses that offer the take away service.Ecological packaging for take away are manufactured with materials that do not cause damage to the environment, nor do they increase the rates of pollution present on the planet. Learn about the types of packaging you can use in your take away business, the raw material they are made from and the characteristics that good ecological packaging should have.

What is ecological packaging?

QuĆ© son los envases ecolĆ³gicos The containers or ecological packaging are the typical containers that have been designed to store food, but are made from natural, non-polluting materials. In addition, the models of the containers are redesigned to make the most of the available space, avoiding material waste and improving the delivery process. Another of the characteristics that ecological packaging has is the capacity to degrade in a fraction of the time it takes for a container made of other materials, such as plastic, to disappear.

Requirements to be fulfilled by an ecological packaging

Requisitos a cumplir un envase ecolĆ³gicoFor a package to be considered ecological, must meet three essential requirements that prove it.Below, we list the characteristics that a package must have in order to be considered ecological packaging.


The materials used to manufacture the ecological take away packaging must be of natural origin and not of petroleum products.In addition, this raw material must be capable of being degraded or recycled to make new packaging.In the case of materials such as sugar cane or palm leaves, it is taken into account that the production process of the raw material does not generate a negative impact on the environment

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During the manufacture and industrialisation of ecological packaging, the emission of greenhouse gases must be reduced by a wide margin.This is why we must avoid them at all costs, the use of chemicals for raw material handling.In the production process, the transfer of the containers to their final destination is also considered. Ideally, few trips are made from the factories to the delivery areas. The reason for the latter measure is to avoid the indiscriminate production of carbon dioxide. Especially because of the use of fossil fuel powered transport.


The design of the packaging must allow it, both the hotel business and the customers can reuse them. In addition, they must be suitable for disposal in the recycling containers corresponding to the material from which they were made, to be taken to sorting centres and to make new packaging.

Types of ecological packaging

Tipos de envases de packaging ecolĆ³gico There are different types of packaging made from organic raw materials, suitable for certain types of food or business.Take note of the packaging you should use to serve the food for take away service and provide quality care.

Cellulose food packaging

Food packaging made of cellulose is ideal for liquid foods such as soups, creams and ice cream. Its design has a PLA plastic cover that prevents the liquid from passing through the container.They are perfect for use to heat food in the microwave oven and they degrade easily.

Sustainable plastic packaging

Sustainable plastic packaging is made from a material called PLA, which is manufactured from food starch, such as corn.They are transparent containers, so they are ideal for serving dishes with an elaborate presentation.They are also good packaging to keep food in the refrigerator for a long time.

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Sugar cane packaging

Sugar cane packaging is manufactured using bagasse from sugar production.This material is used to make models of ecological packaging ideal for serving hamburgers, tubs and even trays. Generally, businesses acquire this type of packaging because it is microwaveable, maintain food temperatures and preserve food characteristics.

Ecological boxes and bags made of cardboard and kraft paper

Cardboard and kraft paper are materials that also have a great use in the take away service.Cardboard boxes are used to serve food such as desserts, pizzas or cakes.Kraft paper bags are made of very useful for carrying any food The designs of both packaging can vary by adding handles or windows to facilitate their transport and the presentation of the food.

Is it profitable to invest in change of packaging?

Es rentable invertir en cambio de packagingThe daily change of packaging for the ecological packaging is one of the best investments you can make for your business.Customers are becoming more and more familiar and aware of measures to protect the environment and reduce pollution, so they prefer restaurants and hotel businesses that follow these recommendations. Use packaging that shows the natural materials with which it has been manufactured or that is certified as ecological packaging, generates confidence in customers and motivates them to visit your business frequently. Furthermore, as it is raw and recycled material, the acquisition costs of ecological packaging are manageable for any type of business.

Best place to buy green packaging for take away

Mejor sitio para comprar envases ecolĆ³gicos para take awayIf you are looking for certified organic packaging for your restaurant, hotel or catering business, we have good news for you.At Greenuso you will find a wide catalogue of containers that have been designed for offer the best experience to your customers, while taking care of the environment.Eco-friendly packaging is available in a variety of designs, with the availability of combining them with accessories, such as eco-friendly lids, to facilitate your delivery service and not lose the quality of the product. In addition, each package is identified with the certification for ecological packaging, which will create a bond of trust between the business and the consumer.

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