Ficus robusta: Tips to maintain it and extend its life

Ficus robusta: Tips to maintain it and extend its life

Ficus robusta, also known as Ficus elastica, is an ornamental plant that is characterised by its beauty and elegance. It is one of the few plants capable of surviving both indoors and outdoors.

For this reason, it is interesting to know how to grow and look after the Ficus robusta, tips to maintain it and to extend its life, and from Greenuso we tell you about it. Let’s start!

Origin of the Ficus robusta

It is a tree native to India and Indonesia. It usually reaches 30 to 40 metres in height. Its scientific name is Ficus elastica. It has large and wide, leathery, whole leaves.

Ficus Robusta

It is an ideal plant for those who want a resistant and simple to care for plant. Its leaves look very good in any kind of home and decoration, as it fills any space with elegance.

Types of Ficus Robusta

There are many types of ficus robusta and they all need similar care. What differentiates their types is the colour of their leaves. Among them are:

  • Ficus robusta Tineke: Light and dark green tones.
  • Ficus robustaRuby: Its leaves are of green and pink tones.
  • Ficus robustaBurgundy: The leaves of this type of ficus robusta are dark green.
  • Ficus robustaShivereana: A combination of green, cream and a soft pink.

Ficus robusta: Care

If you want your ficus robusta to be well cared for for a long time, we recommend the following care

Lighting and temperature

The place you choose to place this plant should allow it to absorb a lot of light, but in an indirect way. It comes from very warm regions, so it prefers to live in spaces with those characteristics.

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However, it can adapt to places with less light, but its growth will be slower and with fewer leaves. It does not resist very cold temperatures, so it is important to protect it during the winter.

Low temperatures can cause damage such as leaf loss or stunted growth. If you notice that the plant is losing its leaves, it means that it is having problems adapting to its new space.

Ficus Robusta: Watering

Ficus Robusta is a very resistant plant, as long as its two main needs are met: watering and lighting.

This plant requires little and moderate watering. In other words, it can withstand droughts and we should take care that the soil is completely dry before watering. If the watering is done in excess, it can affect the roots until they rot.

One way of preventing this from happening is to water from below. You can do this by placing the pot in a tray or container with water, covering the bottom.

Leave it there for several hours and it will absorb all the water it needs on its own. Then take it out and let the excess water drain off for a couple of hours.


This plant can be fertilized with universal liquid fertilizers. After diluting it well, apply it during the spring and you can repeat it in the summer. Avoid using too much, because you can burn the plant.

The ficus Robusta isn’t very demanding, so it’s fine if you don’t fertilize it often or forget to water it sometimes.


At the end of winter it is advisable to remove dry, sick or weak branches and prune those that have grown too much. It is essential to apply healing paste or ash to the cuts so that they heal better.

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If this plant receives enough light, you’ll be surprised how fast it grows, so it’s essential to pay attention so that it doesn’t grow too long and not too leafy.

Pests and diseases

Although it is a very resistant plant, it can be attacked by pests and fungi, which can damage its roots. To avoid and prevent this, it is necessary not to over water it and to treat it occasionally, with copper or sulphur, by sprinkling it on the surface of the substrate or the soil.

It is advisable to treat and remove pests from the first symptom we observe in our plant.

Ficus Robusta: Reproduction

Ficus Robusta can be reproduced by asexual propagation, i.e. by planting the cuttings. The way to make Ficus rob usta cuttings is as follows:

  • Cut a branch about 30 cm long.
  • Impregnate the base with homemade rooting compounds or rooting hormone powder.
  • Plant in a pot with a universally cultivated substrate mixed with 30% pearlite or washed river sand. Then watered.
  • Finally, the pot is placed in a place that is indirectly illuminated.
  • The roots of a new plant can be seen within 15 to 20 days.

Another way to get a new specimen of Ficus Robusta is to put the cuttings in a container with water. To do this, you should change the liquid and clean the container daily, and you will certainly see new roots in about three or four weeks.

Without a doubt, the Ficus Robusto is a beautiful ornamental plant that you should not miss out on, as it is essential for purifying the home environment. And if you already have it, take into account these tips to maintain it and extend its life.

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