Wheat bran: benefits, properties and how to incorporate it into your life

Salvado de trigo: beneficios, propiedades y cómo incorporarlo a tu vida

Wheat bran is a food option that has a high fiber content, in addition to a host of benefits for your health and well-being.

Wheat bran is the external fragment of the grains of this cereal, which is not used to turn them into flour.

This type of fiber absorbs water and does not dissolve. It also has excellent nutritional value and is easy to incorporate into the diet.

If you want this food to be part of your diet for a healthier life, read on, know the benefits and properties that wheat bran offers.

Benefits of consuming wheat bran

Beneficios de consumir salvado de trigo

Wheat bran has been subjected to different studies in which it has been determined that it has other benefits, which go beyond its positive effect on intestinal transit.

In addition, food authorities – such as the European Food Safety Authority – have admitted it to the list of foods with proven health properties.

Among the outstanding benefits of incorporating wheat bran into your diet, we have

Bowel activity

Wheat bran, being a fiber that does not dissolve but absorbs water, helps with the increase in volume of the stool so that the intestinal transit is faster.

That is why eating this food daily prevents you from having constipation, prevents the appearance of hemorrhoids, decreases the pressure on the abdomen and improves bowel movements.

Ally for the heart

Did you know that wheat bran helps your heart? Wheat bran is a food that is high in vitamins and minerals.

This nutritional content takes care of the heart, among other functions.

The consumption of this cereal prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases, such as hypertension or heart failure.

Combats depression and stress

Among the nutritional values of wheat bran, we find the B vitamin.

Frequent consumption of vitamin B is known to reduce or eliminate stress.

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On the other hand, this vitamin helps to provide energy and encouragement to continue with your activities.

Excellent for weight loss

Because of its quality of generating a correct intestinal transit, it is consumed by people who are on weight loss diets.

However, adequate amounts supplied by a medical nutritionist should be consumed so as not to cause adverse effects.

Ideal during pregnancy

It is a perfect food to eat during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

When consumed, it provides phosphorus, folic acid, vitamin B, vitamin E, calcium and magnesium to both mother and baby.

Rejuvenate your skin

Wheat bran is an ally to preserve and enhance your natural beauty.

Yes, as you read: eating wheat bran has great benefits in beauty, such as delaying the appearance of wrinkles in the body.

In addition, because of its zinc content, it helps with hair and nail growth and regenerates the skin.

Reduces the likelihood of cancer

An intake of 30 grams per day reduces the chances of suffering from rectal or colon cancer.

This happens because its fibrous content increases the volume of stool that passes through the gastrointestinal tract, eliminating any carcinogenic substances that may remain in the intestine.

In the case of the colon, fatty acids are generated that keep colon cells healthy and do not allow tumor cells to grow.

Other components of wheat bran such as its vitamins, lignans, minerals and phytochemicals have contributed to reducing the chances of prostate, breast, lung or stomach cancer.

Headache? Wheat bran!

Lack of vitamins, especially B vitamins, are a frequent cause of headaches.

To avoid them, add wheat bran to your daily diet and you will notice how they disappear from your life.

However, you must understand that they prevent pain, that is, they have no effect on reducing an existing headache.

Main properties of this natural product

Principales propiedades de este producto natural

Wheat bran contains high amounts of fiber and protein that help the gastrointestinal system, but have other properties.

The vitamins that are part of the B group are useful and important for the correct functioning of the central nervous system.

Vitamin B1 or thiamine is in charge of metabolizing the other foods that are consumed and stimulating hunger.

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While vitamin B2 or riboflavin is an antioxidant and helps with eye and tissue health.

Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine is an important actor in the formation of gastric juices and to synthesize the body’s hemoglobin.

It also contains vitamin E which is an excellent antioxidant and vitamin K which helps to have an ideal liver function.

It also contains minerals such as zinc, sodium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, copper and potassium.

Ways to consume wheat bran

Formas de consumir el salvado de trigo

If you want to include it in your dishes, but don’t know how to do it, don’t worry. Here’s the solution.

You can add it to milk or yogurt to soften them and make them palatable.

They can also be added to cereal in fruit salads, smoothies or shakes.

If you like to bake, you can add it to your dessert mix like muffins or cakes. That way you will get incredible color and flavor.

Incorporate it into your diet, but within these limits

Incorpóralo a tu dieta, pero con estos límites

Wheat bran is a food that is usually used as a supplement when dieting, so it does not replace any food.

When you want to integrate wheat bran into your diet, it is important to know how much fiber you consume daily when eating vegetables, cereals, fruits and legumes.

If your diet is deficient in fiber, you can include wheat bran up to 20 or 30 grams per day.

If you eat more than 30 grams per day, you may suffer from adverse effects such as indigestion, flatulence and bloating.

But why add it to your diet?

Wheat bran is an ingredient that has unsaturated fatty acids, so it helps the appearance of good cholesterol. Thanks to this characteristic, it is a perfect food for people with high triglycerides and hypertension.

The fibre it contains is an ally in reducing the body’s adipose tissues and avoiding constipation.

When you finish eating, it gives your body a feeling of fullness because the fiber increases in size in the stomach as it mixes with the gastric juices. Its consumption also helps to reduce anxiety.

Nutritional value

Valor nutricional

Before buying and consuming any product it is important to know its nutritional value, and wheat bran is no exception.

In 100 grams of wheat bran, which is an approximation of what is consumed in three days, are found:

  • Iron: 10.57 milligrams
  • Vitamin B3: 18, 28 milligrams
  • Sodium: 2 milligrams
  • Cholesterol: 0 milligrams
  • Calcium: 73 milligrams
  • Fiber: 42.80 grams
  • Calories: 273 kilocalories
  • Protein: 15.55 grams
  • Fat: 4.25 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 21.72 grams
  • Sugars: 0.09 grams

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