What is the Kiri tree and how can it help to fight global warming


The Kiri is a tree that could save the planet, for being of great help against the global warming, the pollution and the desertification of the ecosystem. In fact, in many cultures it is known as the “tree of the future“.

There are many more details of the Kiri tree that we want to tell you, are you ready?

Kiri tree: what is it?

The tree Kiri is considered one of the most beautiful trees of the world due to its abundant flowering of pink lilac colour. For that reason, nowadays it is used much like an ornamental plant.

It is also known as the Empress tree or Paulownia tomentosa. It is native to China, belonging specifically to the family of paulowniaceae and its presence contributes to improving air, water and soil conditions.

In this way, they can be a great ally in the fight against pollution, global warming and desertified ecosystems. It is even often called the tree of life, since it produces more oxygen than other trees.

What are the characteristics of the Kiri tree?

There are many qualities of the Kiri tree that make it authentic, and in this section of the post we want to explain them to you in detail.

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Tree adaptable to different climates

A Kiri tree adapts to a great variety of climates, supporting extreme temperatures like -20 ºC up to 45 ºC. For this quality, they are considered a great help against the desertification of the planet.

Tree that produces more oxygen

The Kiri expel large amounts of oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide at least ten times more than other trees. An adult tree can even capture up to 21.7 kg of CO2 per day.

High altitude tree

The Kiri trees grow up to 27 metres and in good conditions live about 100 years. Their trunk is between 7 and 20 metres in diameter, and they can even sprout at least 5 times from the same trunk.

Very healthy tree

They are very healthy trees thanks to their high capacity to resist plagues. Moreover, because they regenerate their growth vessels and roots in a short time, they can resist fire and tolerate polluted areas.


Tree with a striking appearance

The showy flowers of the Kiri tree, are of lilac color and can cover it completely when they sprout. Its leaves rich in nitrogen reach up to 40 cm wide and when they fall they enrich the soil, serving as a nutritious fertilizer.

Prosperous tree

The empress tree thrives in contaminated soil and water, and can even purify the soil as it grows. It can also thrive in poor or eroded soils, provided it has access to compost and a good irrigation system.

However, under these bad conditions its growth is slower. The ideal way to ensure optimum development is to plant it in deep, well-drained soil, preferably sandy loam. It should be noted that they do not support saline soils.

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Tree of simple reproduction

The reproduction of the Kiri tree is simple, it can be by cuttings or seeds. Its growth is usually faster than other species, increasing about 2 cm every day, for which in a year it grows up to 6 meters high.

Do you know what the Kiri tree is used for?

From Greenuso we want to respond to this question mentioning 8 important aspects on the use of the tree Kiri:

  1. It is an excellent ecological resource for the generation of biomass in thermal power stations or home heating.
  2. It is ideal to recover, control and stabilize the erosion of the soil thanks to its deep root system and capacity to fix the CO2.
  3. It serves as a substitute or complement to coal, as it is an excellent solid biofuel.
  4. Its leaves are useful as fodder since they have a very high nutritional value, being excellent for feeding livestock and making compost.
  5. Its wood can be used to build aqueducts in rural areas.
  6. Many make crafts with their wood because it is easy to carve.
  7. It allows to make accessories of airplanes or yachts that require light wood and of good quality.
  8. Its wood is ideal for making surfboards, wakeboards, skies, barrels, furniture, drawers and musical instruments because it resists pests well.

Now that you know what the Kiri tree is and how it contributes to the conservation of the planet, it is time to put them into practice.

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