Say goodbye to the bites with these mosquito plants

The holidays are a time that we can qualify as perfect: travel, rest, fun and do what we like best, but it is better if you have anti-mosquito plants among your companions.
There is a phrase that says: “If you think you are too small to make a difference, you have never slept with a mosquito in the room”
Although the exact origin of the phrase is not known, the truth it announces is overwhelming, nave more annoying than the incessant buzzing of a mosquito as you wish to sleep.
To eliminate that root problem, in a natural way and without undesirable effects on any member of the family, mosquito-proof plants are an excellent option.
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Citronella, the queen of mosquito repellent plants
Coming from the Asian continent, citronella is the plant par excellence when we want to fight against the annoying presence of mosquitoes.
The aroma that emanates from this plant is so pleasant that it has other names such as lemon grass, yerbalimón or citronella grass; clearly indicative of an aroma with a touch of citrus, friendly to anyone.
We can plant it both in pots and directly in the garden, it does not need constant watering, but you must be very careful, as it tends to want to spread throughout the land. For this, the recommended thing is the regular pruning.
The most recognized among the anti-mosquito plants can reach up to a meter high and has a color between green and blue, no doubt an element of color that will bring to your home.
Lavender: perfume your home
Now it’s the turn of one of the mosquito repellent plants that will bring the best scent to your life: lavender.
A plant that grows very well in dry and sunny areas, producing beautiful purple flowers towards the end of July
The pleasant smell of lavender is your best weapon to scare off mosquitoes, among other insects, because, although it may not sound logical, these little bugs hate the smell of this bush.
To enjoy its effectiveness, take some lavender leaves and flowers, place them in the spaces you want and their smell will protect you from mosquito bites.
You can also put leaves and flowers in small cloth bags or some fabric, keep them inside your drawers and no insects will come near your clothes.
Laurel: from the kitchen to your whole house
A few leaves of laurel can raise the level of your recipes, but they can also help you keep away the mosquitoes.
This is a more robust bush than the previous ones. It can reach up to 10 meters high, so you should control its growth with regular pruning.
Although it doesn’t tolerate the winter cold very well, the laurel is not a plant that needs much care. A little water and regular pruning will be enough for it to expand without problems.
To eliminate the flight of the mosquito, take some branches of laurel and place them inside your house. In a short time, you’ll see how the mosquito repellent plants will begin to take effect.
Thyme, another plant that scares away with flavor
Thyme is used very often in Mediterranean cuisine and combines very well with fish. For this simple reason, it is a good idea to have a thyme plant at home.
But today thyme comes on this list of mosquito repellent plants because of its power, unknown to many people, against this annoying pest.
Thyme can be planted in a pot, it is a small bush that grows up to 25 cm high. Its green leaves have small yellow details, which makes it striking at all times.
The watering of this plant should be continuous, they develop better in humid soil environments, without having puddles of water around them.
Fresh or dried thyme branches in different areas of your house will give off a smell that mosquitoes will not tolerate and they will have no choice but to go on holiday to other areas.
Basil: more than pesto
With a basil plant at home you will be able to cook a delicious, fresh and powerful pesto pasta that will be the envy of all your guests
However, so that that Italian dinner does not suffer an unexpected mosquito attack, you can use the aroma of basil to keep them away from any space.
This type of anti-mosquito plants are ideal for those people who like gardening and have fun taking care of the plants because they need water, pruning, moist soil and a little sun to grow without stopping.
Basil, fresh or dried, placed in strategic places in your home will be a delicious barrier to the proliferation of mosquitoes.
Another flavored mosquito repellent plant is rosemary
Rosemary is heard more among recipes that come to your table in summer than among existing mosquito repellent plants.
Well, in addition to helping you in the kitchen, rosemary is ideal for scaring away mosquitoes from your home by creating an environment free from the flight of these annoying bugs.
It usually flowers twice a year and can be planted in any pot at home. Although they need water, like any other plant, rosemary prefers dry soil, so it’s a low-care plant.
In addition to helping you with the mosquitoes inside your home, rosemary helps keep away other bugs and insects that can do irreparable damage to your garden.
So, even if you don’t want to add it to your meals, it’s a good idea to plant it in your garden.
Marigold, eye-catching and effective
Marigold is a beautiful flower, but with an aroma that is not very pleasant, both for us and for mosquitoes.
This plant is ideal for planting in open spaces and continuous exposure to the sun.
Despite the power of marigold to keep out mosquitoes, if you have been bitten, rub some marigold leaves on the welt and you will feel immediate relief from the itch.
Another reason to have this plant among your gardeners is that it brings out flowers of yellow, orange and ochre tones that will bring life to your home.
Mosquito repellent plants with flowers? Geranium!
If you are looking for a plant that, besides helping you to install a natural barrier against mosquitoes, brings life and colour to your home, without a doubt, geranium is a good option.
It is a low-care plant that needs constant exposure to the sun to grow without problems.
Geranium gives a flower with 5 fuchsia-coloured petals, very similar to magenta.
The smell of its flowers and the plant is the effective remedy that this species offers to scare away mosquitoes, so it is a good option to plant them in pots near the windows and natural access areas of the house.
Melissa: straight from the aromatherapy table
In Greenuso we like the recommendations that have several possible uses in your life, the Melissa is one of them.
This is another anti-mosquito plant that has a similar smell to lemon, which is hated by mosquitoes but appreciated by us, to the point that it is used in aromatherapy sessions.
This plant can be seen in areas of moist soil, so you should water it frequently.
Its aroma, unbearable for mosquitoes, is enhanced when planted in areas of high exposure to sunlight. It is therefore a good idea to plant it outside your home.
The only care you should take with the Melissa is to limit its growth space well. It is a fast-growing plant and, if you are careless, it will steal the space from your other plants. To do this you must prune it often.
Well, now you have some ideas of anti-mosquito plants that you can plant in your home and give a clear message of “they are not welcome” to these annoying and dangerous insects.
If you know of any method or wish to share how you use some of these plants to clean your spaces, we await your comments.