Reduce, reuse and recycle in the hospitality industry: the 3 Rs

Reducir reutilizay y reciclar

wondering how you can reduce the environmental impact of your hospitality business? Congratulations! We are happy that you are interested in taking action to take care of planet Earth and ensure a better quality of life for future generations.

That’s why in this post we want to tell you about the 3R rule (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle). A guide that will allow you to know in depth what measures to take to leave a friendlier footprint.

This is a simple job that only requires the investment of time and awareness. We are sure that, if you do it right, you will end up setting an example for many in your sector.

3R rule: reduce, reuse and recycle

The 3R rule is an ecological approach that seeks to forge societies that implement sustainable practices. This would help safeguard the environment and ensure a better quality of life for the human race.

This rule consists of three basic actions, which are “Reduce, Reuse and Recycle”. These actions aim to change the consumption habits of human beings, making them more responsible and sustainable for the planet. This is even more important in your hospitality business, where consumption is multiplying.

It is important to note that the application of the 3Rs promotes the principles of the circular economy. This is because they help to reduce municipal solid waste and promote efficient management by governmental bodies and private organisations that are keen to raise awareness.

what does it mean to recycle, reuse and reduce?

The 3R rule (reduce, recycle and reuse) was popularised in Japan in 2004. Specifically during the G8 summit, where it was presented as an initiative to encourage recycling practices in societies.

Since then, many European countries have joined the fight to conserve the planet by adopting these actions. Butwhat does it mean to recycle, reduce, reuse? Here are the answers.


This consists of reducing or cutting down on the consumption of raw materials, energy and water. This is the best way to reduce CO2 emissions into the atmosphere and have a less aggressive impact on the environment.

Reduce reuse and recycle

Reduce is known as the first of the 3Rs because it seeks to raise awareness to prevent damage to the planet. That means that by reducing your consumption levels, you will already be making an important contribution.

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This consists of giving a second life to any product, instead of throwing it in the rubbish bin. You can repair it for the same use or you can also give it a different use, depending on your particular interests.

Reuse to reduce the use of raw materials

By giving an object or material a second chance, you will be decreasing the volume of waste that ends up in the environment. This would be an important contribution to the fight against water and soil pollution.


This consists of sorting waste efficiently in order to obtain new products. It should be noted that practically everything can be recycled: paper, cardboard, glass, metal, plastics and also food waste.

Recycling to give a second life to used materials

Recycling is the most popular of the 3Rs thanks to the environmental campaigns that have been launched worldwide. However, despite these efforts, there is still a great deal of apathy towards recycling.

what is the difference between reduce, reuse and recycle?

There is a lot of confusion about the ways to reduce, reuse and recycle. That’s why we’re going to explain the differences between them, so that you understand how to put them into practice correctly.

how will we explain it to you? We will tell you what can be reused, recycled and reduced in your HORECA sector, as this is the best way to understand their differences.


Reduce the impact your business has on the environment.

  • Reduce the amount of raw materials you buy. In other words, try to buy only what is necessary to meet your customer demand.
  • Reduce water consumption in your establishment, especially when washing fruit and vegetables.
  • Minimise the amount of canned goods you buy from your suppliers. Instead of buying 6 small cans of any one food item, buy 2 large ones.


There are several things that can have a second life in your HORECA business.

  • Reuse leftover fruit, vegetables and coffee to make organic compost that will help you to beautify the green areas of your business.
  • The water you used during the washing of fruits and vegetables can be reused to clean the establishment or to water the green areas.
  • Glass jars can be reused as personalised glasses, stamped with your company logo or a phrase


Recycling is one of the most important tasks you can carry out in your business.

  • Recycle glass containers and donate them to a company that melts them down to produce all kinds of bottles.
  • Sort PET, PP and HDPE plastics as they can be transformed into ecological bricks.
  • Paper and cardboard can be recycled and donated to educational institutions, as children often do recreational activities with these materials.
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These are different actions, but they have a common purpose, which is to safeguard the planet’s natural resources.

how to recycle, reuse and reduce in your hospitality business?

Discover 5 general tips to help you adopt the 3R rule in your hospitality business.

1. Find out more

First of all, you need to look for general information on businesses in your sector that have successfully implemented sustainable policies. This will give you a clear idea of the benefits you will get from now on

It is also interesting to search the internet, or approach your local council, to ask for information about these types of sustainable policies. If there is a regulatory law, you must comply with it. They will also be able to give you information on what you can take to your local green point for recycling (e.g. oil).

2. Educate yourself

To adopt the 3Rs rule (reduce, reuse and recycle) in your business, you first need to know exactly what each one is. Otherwise, you’ll be taking crazy steps and your customers won’t perceive it in a good way.

Now that you know what it is all about, we recommend that you continue looking for information about the 3R rule. Browse through the different tutorials you will find on other platforms such as YouTube, which can be illustrative enough to help you understand better.

3. Ally

It is important that your actions to reduce, reuse and recycle are not just about improving the public image of your business. It has to be honest work, where your commitment to a healthier planet is real.

That’s why we advise you to partner with suppliers that have environmental policies. This is a way to support those entrepreneurs who care not only about their commercial interests, but also about the environment.

4. Join

The adaptation process will be easier if it is done as a team. That’s why you should meet with your staff to inform them that there will be a policy change, and that the commitment is now to contribute to the conservation of the planet.

Your staff should not only be aware, but they should also identify with the 3R rule. This is the best way to do a good job and let customers know that your business is committed to the cause.

5. Spread the word

Once you have completed all the previous steps, it’s time to get the word out. To do this, use your business’ different digital platforms, such as your social media and website.

Make sure you create creative, easy to understand and good quality content to let your customers know that you are fighting for the conservation of the planet. We are sure they will be proud to be your customers.

Reduce, reuse and recycle can be the beginning of a successful future for your business.

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