Global warming and its effects on the planet

Global warming and its effects on the planet

The impact of the climate change that the planet suffers, during the last decades, by the action of the man has unchained a series of harmful effects for all those who inhabit the Earth.

We have generated damage to various ecosystems, promoted the desertification of forests, extinguished species and even deteriorated the ozone layer, causing a progressive increase in temperature.

Over time, industrial development and technological advances have made everyday life easier, but the cost of this is too high.

Affecting the natural balance of the environment and therefore, the environment where we live.

Come with us to learn more about the effects of global warming, the actions that will reduce its effects and the measures that will help to reduce its consequences.

What is global warming?

ĀæQuĆ© es el calentamiento global?

Global warming is one of the triggers of climate change. It is responsible for the progressive increase in the temperature of the planet. It is caused by greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere affecting the earth’s climate system.

This negative impact, caused by unbridled human activity, has been melting icebergs and warming not only the continents, but also the oceans and the atmosphere.

Effects of Global Warming

Efectos del calentamiento global

There are many effects that can be caused by global warming, these can occur unexpectedly, in short periods of time and in some cases can be irreversible.

Some of the effects caused by global warming are

  • Reduce snow levels.
  • Icebergs melt.
  • Rising sea levels.
  • Climate and weather changes.
  • Drought.
  • Heat waves.
  • Thunderstorms.
  • Heavy snowfalls.
  • Acidification of the oceans.
  • Loss of natural habitat.
  • Species extinction.
  • Reduced diversity in the ecosystem.

Causes of global warming

Causas del calentamiento global

Among the most important causes of global warming caused by the action of human beings on the environment we have

  1. Gas emissions: where greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and other gases derived from industry are released, which are harmful to the planet.

And by exposing their particles to the ozone layer, they are able to disintegrate it causing the direct incidence of the sun’s rays on the earth.

This effect not only shows a progressive increase in temperature but also the alteration of life cycles, in which displacement becomes necessary in order to overcome food crises.

  1. Deforestation: caused by the indiscriminate felling of trees, an action that completely alters the balance with the environment, limiting the possibility of transforming carbon dioxide into oxygen.
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This decreases the quality of the air we breathe and increases the emission of carbon dioxide levels, which contributes to the deterioration of the ozone layer.

  1. Fertilizer use: used by the food industry to increase food production levels and cover high market demands.

These fertilizers are based on nitrogen oxide, an element that is more harmful than carbon dioxide and which, with its long-term use, causes damage to the crop fields.

  1. Fossil fuels: are a determining factor in global warming, the burning of fossil fuels generates a greater emission of carbon dioxide causing the temperature to increase.

The fuels that are burned are responsible for the negative effects on the environment, due to the release of polluting particles.

Consequences of global warming

Consecuencias del calentamiento global

The consequences of global warming determine the outcome of negative human actions on the environment.

They affect the environment, health, economy and society, as well as the interaction with nature. Some of the consequences of global warming are:

Change in ecosystems

Due to global warming, many changes are taking place in ecosystems that affect the climate, bringing as a consequence unknown patterns that do not conform to normality

Temperature changes, drought and floods are some of the factors causing these changes that prevent adequate adaptation.

Melting of glaciers

The effects of high temperatures on global warming result in glacier ice melting and thus sea level rise.

Showing changes that affect not only man but also flora and fauna, modifying water circulation patterns becoming a potential threat and hindering survival in these ecosystems.

Rising sea levels

As we said, as the ice melts, a lot of water is poured into the seas and oceans, thus raising the sea level, bringing about countless changes in the planet’s climate.

That can even cause devastating effects such as that some islands may disappear and that in certain cities the distance to the coast is considerably reduced.


Due to the high temperatures the rains become less frequent, but when they occur they are more intense and longer lasting, causing severe flooding in most cases.


The excess heat on the planet is distributed by hurricanes from warmer areas to colder areas, but when there is an increase in temperature the hurricanes become more impetuous.

They cause the destruction of cities, crops, loss of public services and the outbreak of diseases.

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Increase in temperature

The increase in temperature due to the accumulation of greenhouse gases generates serious climate problems such as droughts, fire risks, deforestation and displacement.

Heat waves

Heat waves are produced by the burning of fossil fuels, causing an increase in heat that not only affects health but also puts lives at risk.

Extinction of animal species

Due to the climatic changes caused by the increase in temperature, animal species are not able to adapt.

This situation results in the loss of migratory capacity, the death of species by drowning or by not having a suitable habitat to develop.

Increase in the cost of food

The consequences of global warming affect not only food production but also crops.

This is due to the influence of climate changes on daily life, where it is possible to lose the entire crop or increase its value due to food shortages.

This generates an increase in poverty rates, lack of food and in some cases, displacement of entire villages to other places where they can find food.

Spread of disease

Changes in temperature can lead to pockets of disease spread that – because of climate change – may begin to develop.

The appearance of tropical diseases such as dengue fever and Chagas’ disease are some of the conditions that can begin to spread in cold areas.

How can we prevent the advance of global warming?

ĀæCĆ³mo evitar el avance del calentamiento global?

To prevent global warming it is necessary to implement actions that generate solutions to face this serious reality that affects humanity.

Faced with this problem, the ideal is to adopt measures that contribute to:

  • Reduce the emission of greenhouse gases.
  • Prevent the increase in the burning of fossil fuels.
  • Avoid contamination of water, air and soil.

Some of the actions proposed to prevent global warming are

  • Choose, as far as you can, to use renewable energy.
  • Take advantage of energy-saving capabilities and programs when using the washing machine.
  • Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth, washing your dishes and soaping up when you take a shower.
  • Turn off electronics when you are done using them.
  • Regulate the thermostat of your refrigerator.
  • Avoid placing hot food inside the fridge.
  • Use energy-saving lamps and turn them off when not in use.
  • Avoid the use of air conditioning.
  • Reuse or recycle paper.
  • Avoid the use of aerosols.
  • Use biodegradable cleaning products.
  • Water plants at the coolest time of the day to prevent water evaporation.
  • Dry clothes by placing them in the sun.
  • Make sure that there are no water cans on the taps so as not to waste water.
  • Promote sustainable practices that encourage waste separation.
  • Use bicycles or walk to get to nearby places.
  • Buy organic food.
  • Use a cloth bag to store your purchases.
  • Reduce the use of plastics.
  • Choose products made in a sustainable way.
  • Respect the environment.

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