The best tips for making home air freshener


A home air freshener is a natural or artificial substance that has the ability to release small aromatic particles by itself or with the help of some device, with the use of flowers, fruits or vegetable oils or with the use of synthetic components that contain pleasant aromas.

Surely you have happened to be in your home or office and want to maintain an environment where you can breathe and maintain pleasant smells to your smell. In Greenuso we know this, and that is why we have the following information.

Is it difficult to get ingredients to make an air freshener with homemade procedures?

To know how to make home air freshener you don’t have to make much effort, since they are easy to make and you can make them with ingredients you have at home.

Really ideal, so that any space is pleasantly scented without the risk that some people may present a pathology related to allergies or respiratory difficulties.

Ingredients that you can use to make the flavouring


You can use any kind of edible fruit to make the air freshener, citrus fruits in particular are the most recommended due to the long durability and resistance of its aroma that is maintained over time.


In the case of herbs, flowers, twigs and spices you can make use of roses, rosemary, thyme, cinnamon sticks, spice cloves, pine or cedar, which by their nature are innate flavourings.

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These are usually oily substances extracted directly from plants such as vanilla, almonds and mint, which are characterized by being very fragrant and pleasant to the sense of smell.


How to make the homemade air freshener?

You need to have a pot handy, put the ingredients, fill it with water and bring it to a low heat. Make sure that the water does not dry out while it is boiling, then place it in a container and place it in the place you want to perfume.

Easy to make air fresheners

Put water to boil in a metal container for a few minutes, and if you want to make homemade cinnamon air freshener just put two branches of cinnamon and cover the pot to concentrate the aroma.

Once it has boiled you can uncover the container and you will notice right away how the space where you are is impregnated with this pleasant smell. On the other hand, you can also make home air freshener with fabric softener.

With a quarter of softener, mix with hot water and add two teaspoons of baking soda, this will serve to disappear bad smells as if by magic. This is an excellent home air freshener to make the house smell nice.

Now, if what you want is a home air freshener for the car then all you need is to place a glass container with or without atomizer, in which you will make a mixture with a few drops of essential oil of your preference, alcohol and water.

All the above, along with other interesting information can be found in Greenuso. We are an online store with great options of products to supply your beautiful home.

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