Ecological certificate stamp What is it and how is it used?

Sello de certificado ecológico ¿Qué es y cómo se usa?

When you go to any supermarket, you will surely see that some products have several seals on their packaging. One of the existing ones, very much used nowadays, is the ecological certificate.

These seals guarantee that the companies that manufacture them respect the legal regulations in force in the territory of the European Union. Both in their production and transformation.

In the case of the ecological certificate, the regulation guarantees that no chemical is used that alters the composition of the food or generates damage to the environment.

Read on to discover the different types of stamps, their usefulness in the market and when you should look for them to guarantee your investment.

What is the ecological certificate?

Qué es el certificado ecológico

This is a seal that certifies that the products that are considered organic comply with the established regulations, by their country of origin and the European Union, in our case.

This means that all foods that are called organic, regardless of the sector to which they belong, must have this seal on their packaging.

When we find a product that is called organic, but does not have any type of seal, it is likely that it does not have the required certification.

The certifications of each country must have their name, the code of the authority that assures that the product was manufactured under organic production methods and inscription “Organic Agriculture”.

European organic certification vs. organic certification in Spain

Certificado ecológico europeo vs certificación ecológica en España

In the case of the European Union, each state has reference centres that are responsible for monitoring compliance with the requirements and that the products that come onto the market comply with the rule in all their processes.

Once compliance with the regulations has been verified, these centres are responsible for certifying the product, as well as its processes, and approve that its packaging is printed with the seal that certifies compliance with the regulation.

In Spain, the reality is a little different.

It is likely that you have seen some Spanish products with different stamps from the Union. Why is this?

Each autonomous community, has the capacity to certify the fulfillment of the regulations – of the community – at the moment of manufacturing any ecological product.

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The regulatory council of each community is in charge of inspecting the businesses. It also makes sure that each stage of the production of the product complies with the ecological regulations in force

Each product receives the certification and with it the possibility of carrying the organic seal of the autonomous community, only when it has met all the requirements of the rule.

One difference between the two is that the European Union has a single regulation, applicable to all member countries. In contrast, the regulatory councils of each community have unique regulations and vary from those of the EU.

If the organic products – besides complying with the regulations of the regulatory council of your community – execute each of the controls expressed in the European Organic Regulation, they are allowed to use the seal of the European Union.

To certify the correct execution of the regulations, the bodies carry out periodic inspections, this in order to guarantee that the products do not contain any type of chemical component and the process continues as declared.

What is the ecological seal you should look for?

Cuál es el sello ecológico que debes buscar

The organic seals, as well as the quality seals, are granted to products that comply with the legal regulations in force at the time of manufacture. In addition, the production process must not have a negative impact on the environment.

It is important to know that every organic product that is manufactured in a European country must comply, in a mandatory way, with the regulations that accredit it to the European certification.

Meanwhile, it is mandatory that a product -which is considered organic- has the certification of the European Union.

On the other hand, national, autonomous community or private labels are optional.

The most recognized local seals are:

  • CCPAE stamp (Catalonia)
  • ENEEK stamp (Basque Country)
  • CAAE stamp (Andalusia)
  • CAERM stamp (Murcia)
  • ECO CERT stamp
  • AB stamp (France)
  • BIOSIEGEL stamp (Germany)

These products – in addition to having the seal – must have labels that specify the origin of the product, its method of production, the code of the authority that issued the seal and the components of the product.

With these ecological labels you are guaranteed that:

  • The company was visited with the necessary frequency to guarantee the compliance of the standard during all its processes.
  • The production method used does not pollute the environment.
  • No chemicals, such as pesticides, are used to treat the production.
  • The food retains all its natural properties.
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Also, other seals that are obtained on products but do not have a regulation are

  • Vegan society: It is printed on the packaging of 100% vegetable products.
  • Ecofriendly: This seal is used on products that help to make living without pollution easier. During their manufacture, they help to preserve natural resources.
  • Not tested on animals: This seal certifies products that have not been tested on animals. It is one of the most appreciated seals in the cosmetics industry.
  • GAP free: Ensures that the product does not contain Bisphenol A, lead and phthalates.
  • PP5: Informs the buyer that the product was made with polypropylene, a type of polymer that is not contaminating.

Trust in the ecological certificate

Confía en el certificado ecológico

The production with ecological certificate uses techniques in which the processes are carried out without impacting negatively to the environment and the climate, taking advantage of all the natural resources.

On the other hand, the land is treated with organic fertilisers that allow it to absorb the necessary nutrients so as not to erode.

As these foods are free of phytosanitary residues and do not contain any chemical substances, they represent a plus for the health of consumers.

Buy certified organic products

Comprar productos ecológicos con certificación

Since you know the importance of certified organic products, you certainly want to know where you can find these types of products and their prices.

For this we invite you to visit the Greenuso virtual shop. There you will find a wide range of 100% ecological products to support you in your daily life.

Our products, focused on the world of restoration, hotel and catering services, are manufactured with environmentally friendly materials.

Among them, we find sugar cane tableware, made from the bagasse of sugar production. Also the PLA bioplastic tableware, whose manufacture is made possible by processing corn or potato starch.

You can also find the ecological cups, made of biodegradable, compostable or reusable materials, all thinking about environmental conservation and reducing your ecological footprint.

One of the most demanded products in Spain and more pollutants are the straws. At Greenuso you will find various models of ecological straws, ready to serve your customers without generating any collateral damage.

Finally, we recommend you visit the section of recyclable napkins and ecological tablecloths, two essential products in any restaurant or business related to the hotel and catering industry.

If you want a premium quality product and stand out from your competition, visit our product customization section, where you will get unique pieces without harming the planet.

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