Global effects of deforestation and how to reverse them

Efectos globales de la deforestaciĆ³n y cĆ³mo revertirlos

The effects of deforestation are numerous and -most of them- harmful to the environment, generating great changes in the fragile balance of the planet, giving way to new proposals that allow to revert such actions.

This process, provoked by human intervention, has a direct impact on global warming, biodiversity and the permanent loss of forest areas.

Below, you will be able to learn more about the global effects of deforestation on the planet, highlighting its causes and consequences as well as possible solutions to reverse its effects.

What is deforestation?

ĀæQuĆ© es la deforestaciĆ³n?

Deforestation is the main cause of the destruction and elimination of natural forests, due to the indiscriminate felling and burning of trees.

This problem evidences the loss of different natural ecosystems, which affect most of the societies that develop in the world.

Given this reality, it is important to emphasize that the activities that cause deforestation are closely linked to economic and industrial actions, such as the agriculture and livestock that we develop every day.

This is damaging our forests and soils, which will henceforth become non-productive spaces.

Impact of deforestation

Impacto de la deforestaciĆ³n

Deforestation brings with it a series of negative aspects that affect not only the environment, but also the survival of wildlife, forests and the well-being of human beings.

The impact of deforestation generates a set of changes that put at risk the development of sustainable practices, the adequate use of soils and the maintenance of forests.

The development of these practices contributes to the global warming of the planet, thus modifying the conditions of the ecosystem.

Causes of deforestation

Causas de la deforestaciĆ³n

There are many causes that can cause deforestation, however, the origin of this effect lies in the various changes that occur in nature and those caused by human intervention.

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Among the most important causes of deforestation we can mention

Tree felling

The indiscriminate and uncontrolled felling of trees for paper and other wood products contributes to the problem of deforestation.

As well as the exploitation of forests in which no replanting programmes are carried out, which only satisfy the economic interests of individuals.

Forest fires

Its origin may be due to natural causes such as lightning in storms.

They can also be caused by human intervention when accidental fire is spread by carelessness with cigarette butts, debris in the forest or fires in forbidden places.

Intensive livestock farming

In livestock farming, thousands of hectares of land are affected by livestock.

Because these animals feed on the soil for long periods of time.

And after these soils are destroyed, the cattle are moved to another place.

Climate change

Originated by the increase in temperature in areas prone to forest fires, torrential rain or electrical storms.

This contributes to soil erosion and the destruction of forests, slowing down their regeneration in the areas concerned.

The action of pests and diseases

Pests and their diseases are another natural cause capable of causing deforestation, generating serious conditions in trees, plants and soils.

To control the action of pests and diseases it is necessary to implement control methods of chemical or biological type, to prevent their spread.

Non-compliance with forest protection measures

Non-compliance or non-existence of protection measures in the forests can give way to deforestation, caused by uncontrolled actions in lands with large tree plantations in order to extract wood.

And by the inadequate management of programs that support the protection of forests and soils.

Urban growth

Urban growth has led to the urbanization of natural areas, following the uncontrolled intervention of agricultural and livestock activities.

Generating changes that negatively affect soils and forests and increase deforestation rates.

Consequences of deforestation

Consecuencias de la deforestaciĆ³n

The consequences of deforestation are varied and can affect you negatively causing serious damage that – in the worst case – cannot be corrected.

Among the main consequences of deforestation we have

Destruction of the ecosystem and loss of biodiversity

The destruction of the ecosystem and the loss of biodiversity originates from the destruction of forests and soils.

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This situation is unfavorable for the fauna that inhabits the forests, giving way to the extinction of fauna, flora and human beings caused by the environmental imbalance present on the planet.

Alteration of the water cycle

The water cycle is affected due to the lack of forest areas, modifying the movement of water to other areas with vegetation.

This change results in major droughts in some areas of the planet and floods in others.

Decrease in CO2 absorption capacity

Deforestation considerably affects the capacity to absorb CO2 , since greenhouse gases cannot be absorbed by vegetation.

Since CO2 levels cannot be absorbed naturally, global warming is encouraged, generating a natural imbalance that affects various ecosystems.


Desertification is caused by the damage to the ecosystem of previously productive soils, which, due to climatic variations and human intervention, lose their production potential.

Changes in the climate

Changes in the climate greatly affect rainfall, temperatures in forested areas and forest surfaces.

This affects the amount of precipitation that falls in the area, which is proportional to the amount of vegetation in the area.

Economic and social damage

The loss of forest areas not only damages the ecosystem, but also affects the development of sustainable practices that benefit societies as a whole.

This damage ends up generating more inequality between the various populations of the world, giving way to chains of misery installed in the most affected countries.

Ideas to stop deforestation

Ideas para detener la deforestaciĆ³n

The current problems that affect us require the intervention of governments, businesses and society in general.

To stop deforestation, it is necessary to implement measures that allow it to be faced and help to reduce the global impact that it has caused.

Some of the actions that will help minimize the impact of deforestation are

  • Planting trees and protecting the green areas around you.
  • Adopt a sustainable lifestyle.
  • Optimize and reduce the consumption of products made from wood
  • Use wood products that have sustainability certificates.
  • Reduce consumption of animal products.
  • Avoid unnecessary use of natural resources.
  • Create and participate in volunteer programs to promote the preservation of the environment.
  • Reusing wood products, giving them the opportunity to be used as new products, avoiding the felling of trees.

To stop deforestation it is necessary to become aware of the effects that this environmental problem brings with it, evaluating the risks to which we are exposed and the possible solutions to apply.

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