Compostable materials What are they?

Compostable materials What are they?

Composting materials are all those organic residues that can be naturally decomposed. In addition, it is a process that can be accelerated through composting methods, allowing the waste to be reintegrated into the environment.

Composting materials are used to make organic fertilizer, known as compost. This means that these types of materials are recycled from food waste, coming from human consumption. As well as the vegetable residues, coming from the pruning of trees and gardens.

It is essential that in order to transform compostable materials, human participation is required.

If you want to know more about it, read on until the end of this entry

Types of compostable materials

Materiales compostables

Among the types of compostable materials that are used today to make various products, they stand out:


Starch is a natural polymer. It is a carbohydrate that the plant synthesizes during photosynthesis and serves as an energy reserve. Cereals, including corn, contain large amounts of starch.

The starch is extracted from the corn, then transformed into a small molecule, i.e. lactic acid. It is then chemically treated to form chains, which are then bonded together to form the plastic called PLA.

This material is used to make packaging, which is also biodegradable. They degrade easily to water and carbon dioxide.

Avocado seed

The composition of this material is 60% biopolymers of avocado seed and 40% organic compounds. Avocado seed used to be considered only as an agricultural waste, but now it is used to transform it into an organic product.

The composition of products made from avocado seeds can be biodegraded underground or in garbage dumps. It does not need to be treated in any special way to be biodegradable.

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Wheat straw

Straw is the dried stem of certain cereals such as wheat, barley, oats, rice, etc., after they have been cut and discarded. That is, after the seed or grain has been separated. Straw is currently used to make various organic products, which are used by humans.

Sugar cane

Bagasse is a residue that remains after the juice is extracted from the sugar cane. These residues contain a large amount of fibers that are used to produce paper and other materials such as containers, cups, plates, etc.

Products made from sugar cane bagasse are very resistant to grease, liquids and can be used in microwaves. In that sense, they are an excellent alternative to traditional plastic.

In that sense, Greenuso offers a great variety of products made with this type of material. It is a 100% renewable material.


To make products with this type of material, starch derived from renewable agriculture is used. They can be converted into oil-based plastic substitutes. Plastic products made from cornstarch look and feel like regular plastics. Their difference is that they are 100% biodegradable and compostable.

Compostable food packaging

The compostable food containers are made with materials that respect and take care of the environment. They tend to decompose more easily than plastic.

They are made from recycled materials of vegetable origin, i.e. the residues from their decomposition return to the earth quickly. Furthermore, they are safe, as long as the recycling rules are respected.

These types of packaging have many benefits, because they do not need a large carbon footprint. They also reduce waste and provide many nutrients to the soil.

Compostable containers are very similar to biodegradable ones, however there are some differences between them. For example, the raw material used to make the compostables does not produce toxins at the end of the packaging’s life.

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Biodegradable products do not have a time frame to deteriorate. Whereas compostables guarantee their decomposition in a certain time range.

Advantages of using compostable materials

Composting materials do not only fulfill their mission of collaborating with the environment. They can also generate great advantages for the companies that use them.

Improving logistics

Products made from compostable materials are lighter than products made from conventional materials. In this sense, it provides the company with greater convenience and speed when moving and storing them.

Image of a socially responsible company

One of the greatest advantages a company can have is to convey an ecological image. This allows the organization to transmit positive values to its environment. Today, there is a growing trend in society towards sensitivity to the environment.

It provides quality

The use of organic products will give the company an image related to quality. The characteristics that are linked to products made with compostable materials give an image of greater prestige and confidence.

However, there are products that tend to be more expensive because they are environmentally friendly. This is because the consumer who is sympathetic to this type of product is willing to pay more.

Brand positioning

This type of ecological products can help position the company as environmentally responsible. It allows to attract customers who are oriented by this culture. Interweaving your business idea with a “green project” can allow you to easily access bank loans. Many banks have as a fundamental requirement to comply with a green plan.

Where can you find products made from compostable materials?


In Greenusos online store, you will find excellent options of compostable products. These include cups, crockery, food boxes, rubbish bags, etc.

All its products meet the needs and wishes of its customers.

Also, we send your purchase to the address you indicate, within 24 and 48 hours after your order has been verified.

Visit Greenuso and discover all the types of compostable products they have at your disposal.

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