Slow life: a new cultural trend

In life there are a million problems that generate stress and affect our health, the slow life is an innovative proposal that would lead us -right- to lead a healthier and more calm life.
The slow life trend invites us -as a principle- to rethink the way we live, act and develop, according to the needs of our daily life.
The idea of this new cultural model is to lead a more relaxed lifestyle, in which we can develop -in any ambit- without affecting our activities and responsibilities.
To learn more about the slow life movement, read on and discover the most important aspects of this innovative trend, you are sure to find some practical aspects that you can incorporate into your life.
Table of Contents
What is the slow life movement?
The slow life movement is a new cultural trend that proposes to recover the control of time, maintaining a pause between the fulfillment of the activities and the enjoyment of moments of relaxation or entertainment.
According to his recommendations, it is important to give priority to activities that benefit personal development and that these contribute to the existing balance between the use of technology, time saving and productivity.
This way, the optimization of work, production and daily tasks is achieved, without implying that they must be carried out under an accelerated pace.
This movement represents the search for the enjoyment of life, where haste hinders the awareness of knowing what we are missing, for not dedicating the necessary time.
Some tips that will help you with the approach of this model are
- Reducing stress during the fulfillment of daily activities, dedicating moments to rest, entertainment and enjoyment.
- Whenever possible, stop looking at the clock during moments of rest, allow yourself to truly rest, the body and – above all – your mind will thank you.
- To focus on a better quality of life that leaves aside the rapid culture of living.
Beginnings of the slow life movement
The slow life movement began in 1986, after journalist Carlo Petrini led a demonstration against the opening of a fast food restaurant in Italy.
This demonstration took place because of the threat that -this fast food chain- represented to the traditional Italian food, besides bringing the concept of “fast food” that was not part of its idiosyncrasy.
This manifestation gave birth to what is known as slow food, extending this proposal from Europe through Japan to the whole world.
There’s time for everything, including eating.
Principles of the slow life movement
The principles on which slow life is based are:
- Promote quality rest time.
- To live relaxed and without stress.
- Having adequate time to eat.
- Separating work from leisure.
Aspects of the slow life movement
Next we will see the most important aspects that are under the proposal of slow life and the activities that they involve.
Slow food
The slow food movement promotes traditional food and respect for the environment, as well as the unhurried consumption of food, its emblem is the image of a snail.
These are some of the benefits of slow food:
- To invite people to live with a focus on environmental care.
- Encouraging good nutrition and the assimilation of nutrients from food
- Promoting a relaxed lifestyle.
- Give the real importance of complying with the sleep cycles.
- Separate the moments of work from the leisure time to guarantee a quality rest.
- Taking the time to eat and enjoy food.
Slow living
The slow living movement emerged during the year 2017 and promotes the value of enjoying every moment shared with your loved ones, the simplicity of reading a good book or listening to your favorite music.
Within this lifestyle, the use of technology takes a back seat.
The basis of this movement is focused on outdoor activities, those that allow the human being to reunite with nature.
Among the benefits of the slow living movement are:
- The favourable impact on health, as people begin to include the consumption of healthy foods in their diet.
- Favors breaks in the development of daily activities, giving real value to the time you have to share with your loved ones.
- It helps to live and value every moment of your life, overcoming resistance to change.
- To generate a connection between body and mind, creating harmonious links between professional activities and leisure time.
- It allows us to face life in the best way, whatever the difficulties are, we always look for a way out.
Cittaslow is a movement that arises from slow food, seeks to promote a calmer pace of life in environments where people can enjoy the time they need to interact in spaces that generate peace.
This movement promotes a slow, sustainable and more humane life.
Among the benefits of cittaslow we can mention
- Fostering happiness.
- Preserve traditional life patterns.
- Attend to the well-being of the communities with principles that guarantee peace and tranquility.
Slow tourism
Slow tourism promotes sustainable and responsible tourism with the environment, community and heritage.
Through the slow tourism movement, we seek to minimize the negative impact that economic, social and environmental aspects can have on tourism.
It is focused on offering spaces to relax away from the urban hustle and bustle, providing comfort and convenience.
Slow tourism also promotes slow food, offering customers quality traditional food options, it is a space where you can enjoy food without looking at the clock.
Some of the benefits of slow tourism are:
- Disconnecting from routine.
- It provides pleasant experiences, creating connections between people, places and natural environments.
- Contribute to the conservation of the environment and heritage.
- Promote indigenous experiences generating economic benefits to the local population.
Slow fashion
Slow fashion is a movement for sustainable fashion that promotes the use of excellent quality and more durable garments, all with a timeless style in which trends are not the frame of reference.
The slow fashion movement proposes the responsible purchase of garments made with sustainable production methods.
Among the most outstanding benefits of slow fashion we have:
- It is respectful of the environment.
- Natural dyes and fabrics are used.
- It promotes the elaboration of garments in a handmade and sustainable way.
- Decrease the purchase of clothes that are damaged to the second posture.
Slow beauty
Slow beauty is a practice that invites us to change our habits, enjoying every moment we live and strengthening our values.
Eating healthy, doing sports, sleeping for the necessary hours and dedicating a few minutes to enjoy a walk or meditate.
Based on well-being, slow beauty defends natural beauty and healthy aging by accepting our attributes and imperfections.
It bets on the use of natural products that respect the environment and animals.
Some of the benefits of the practice of slow beauty are
- It promotes beauty routines that prevent premature aging with the use of natural products.
- It exalts and recognizes self-esteem as a fundamental principle.
- It simplifies the daily routine, making it more practical and effective.
- It promotes contact with nature through exercise routines and walks in natural environments.
Other characteristics of the slow life movement
The slow life movement is characterized by the promotion of organized thinking, coming from a global community that focuses on the enjoyment of conscious living.
This thought seeks to allow people to get rid of stress, to pay more attention to life and to the people around them, as a way to achieve a healthy development.
Another characteristic of the slow life movement is that it promotes a balance between the traditional and the modern, without denying the existence of either, but without depending on them.
Ideas to start in this new lifestyle
Do you want to incorporate the concepts of slow life into your lifestyle? Here are some ideas to help you adopt them more easily.
- Take care of your rest as much as the daily activities you perform.
- Manage the concepts of acceptance and gratitude in your work.
- It promotes your self-esteem and self-confidence.
- Take care of your interpersonal relationships as well as your relationship with yourself.
- Do things with love.
- Manage your emotions from the calm.
- Keep your inner peace.
You already know the fundamental aspects of life, the important thing is that – with respect and consideration – you incorporate those you can into your life and make changes progressively.